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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Planning application: RP/2022/0844

Planning application
Seacroft, La Grande Route de la Cote, St. Clement, JE2 6SB
Road name
REVISED PLANS to previously approved P/2021/1180 (Demolish existing properties. Construct 14 No. two bed apartments with associated landscaping and parking. Extinguish existing vehicular accesses onto La Grande Route de la Cote. Create 5 new pedestrian accesses onto new pavement onto La Grande Route de la Cote. Widen access road onto La Grande Route de la Cote. 3D Model available.) Alter levels of Block B and add terrace to penthouse on South of Block B. Alter approved bike store and provide 2 no. garages to North East of site. Construct solar units, AC units and flues to roofs of Block A and B. AMENDED DESCRIPTION: Install first and second floor balconies to North-East elevations of Blocks A and B. Install solar panels, AC units and flues to roofs of Blocks A and B. Increase height, create third floor terrace, to South-East elevation, and increase size of terrace, to South-West elevation, of Block B. Construct 2 no. double garages and re-configure car park to rear of site. Various internal and external alterations. AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED: Omit AC units.
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Big Sky Ltd
MAC Architectural Services Limited
Minor application
Officer responsible
Jack Gibbins
Built-Up Area, Eastern Cycle Route Corridor
Validated date
8th August 2022
Advertised date
13th September 2022
End publicity date
4th October 2022
Site visited date
6th October 2022
Committee meeting date
Decision date
12th October 2022
Appeal lodged date
Appeal hearing date
Appeal decision
Appeal decision date

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