Planning application: RP/2024/1382 DetailsPlans and documentsMake a commentDetailsPlans and documentsMake a comment Planning application Property Derry Farm, La Route du Francfief, St. Brelade, JE3 8BG Road name Parish Postcode Description REVISED PLANS to P/2020/1524: Construct single storey Lean-to Store to replace garage, convert and extend part of barn to form habitable space, both to West of site. Construct replacement glass house to East elevation. Construct ground floor extension to South and West courtyard elevations. Various alterations to fenestration, internal and external wall demolition. Restoration of external walls. Remove proposed new access onto La Rue des Fosses a Mortier. Permanently close off existing vehicle access on La Route du Francief to West of main house. Create new re-sited vehicular access onto La Route du Francief with new hoggin parking area and new tight tank. Various landscape alterations. Construct swimming pool to South of site.: RETROSPECTIVE: Amended veranda roof to eastern elevation laid to slate with inset rooflights. LocationView on map Applicant n/a Agent Godel Architects Type Minor application Status Pending Officer responsible Minor Team Constraints Green Zone, Water Pollution Safeguard Area Validated date 20th December 2024 Advertised date 31st December 2024 End publicity date 21st January 2025 Site visited date n/a Committee meeting date n/a Decision date n/a Appeal lodged date n/a Appeal hearing date n/a Appeal decision n/a Appeal decision date n/a For the best experience, you will need to use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge web browser to view the map Back to detail page Notifications To receive email notifications about the progress of this planning application, including when any comments are received, choose the "Notify me" button below. You will be directed to sign into your existing account or create a new account if you don't have one. Back to search results