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Charitable trusts for educational purposes held by the Treasurer of the States

Published byTreasury and Exchequer
TypePublic notice
Date published
30 September 2020

Application to the Royal Court under Article 47A of the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984

Notice is hereby given of the application of the Treasurer of the States by way of representation to the Royal Court in respect of the charitable trusts listed below, for the purpose of ensuring the funds may be better applied in a manner that is consistent with the original intentions of the donors, and to request that the Court make orders to enable the liquidation of the trusts and in each case the transfer of the funds to the school or institution closest to its purpose, as set out in brackets. The matter is to be heard by the Court at 2.30pm on 18 December 2020.

Charitable trust

The PLM Trust

Jersey College for Girls

D Birch Reynardson Prize Fund

Jersey College for Girls

Rosa Bradford Memorial Fund

Jersey College for Girls

Binet Memorial Prize Fund

Jersey College for Girls

G E Croad Memorial Prize

Highlands College

Dr C Mortlock Memorial Fund

Highlands College

Multicultural Development Trust        

Rouge Bouillon School

Mauger Memorial Prize

Rouge Bouillon School

Public Library Fund

Jersey Library

E W Martindell Prize

Victoria College

Kenneth More Drama Prize

Victoria College

Huelin Public Speaking Prize

Victoria College

Dr H C Major Science Prize

Victoria College

Girard de Quetteville Gold Medal

Victoria College

W Richardson Memorial Award         

Victoria College

A Hamptonne Barreau Memorial      

Victoria College

Thomas Wood Prize

Victoria College

Hudson Divinity Prize

Victoria College

Hubert Prize for Music           

Victoria College

Farnell Prize

Victoria College

Lerrier Prize

Victoria College

Beaufils Prize

Victoria College

R Hutt Memorial Trust Fund

Victoria College

A C Le Rossignol Med. School         

Victoria College

Sayers Bequest         

Victoria College

Rayner Exhibition       

Victoria College

Don Touzel

Victoria College

Wimble Scholarship Fund     

Victoria College

Denys Le Febvre Trust Fund 

Victoria College

P D Woods Bequest  

Victoria College

C W C Stevens          

1/3 to each of Jersey College for Girls,

Victoria College and Hautlieu

For further details on specific trusts please contact the Law Officers' Department at Any original donor, family member thereof or other interested person wishing to express views in respect of the application, including any objection thereto, should write to that email address by no later than 31 October 2020.

For the Treasurer of the States

Charitable trusts for educational purposes held by the Treasurer of the States
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