17 March 2025
Notice is hereby given that at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Company held on 10 March 2025 at which a Special Resolution was passed that the Company be subject to a Creditors’ Winding Up.
At a duly convened meeting of the Creditors called pursuant to Article 160 of the Companies (Jersey) Law, 1991, as amended (the Law), Matthew Aidan Tucker and Louis Leonard Gerber of Leonard Curtis Jersey Limited, Osprey House, 5-7 Old Street, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RF, were appointed Joint Liquidators by the Creditors pursuant to Article 161 of the Law.
All Creditors of the Company are requested to send their names, addresses, and any particulars of their claim in the Creditors’ Winding Up to the Joint Liquidators within 40 days of the appointment.
M A Tucker, Joint Liquidator
Clerkenwell Limited in liquidation