Notice date: 26 February 2021
In accordance with article 127fc of the companies (jersey) law 1991 (as amended) (the "law"), notice is hereby given that central two limited
Notice date: 26 February 2021
In accordance with article 127fc of the companies (jersey) law 1991 (as amended) (the "law"), notice is hereby given that claude nominees limited
Notice date: 26 February 2021
In accordance with article 127fc of the companies (jersey) law 1991 (as amended) (the "law"), notice is hereby given that barry nominees limited
Notice date: 26 February 2021
In accordance with article 127fc of the companies (jersey) law 1991 (as amended) (the "law"), notice is hereby given that premier circle limited
Notice date: 23 February 2021
Notice is hereby given that a Written Resolution of the Members of the Company was signed on 17 February 2021
Notice date: 23 February 2021
Notice is hereby given that a Written Resolution of the Members of the Company was signed on 17 February 2021
Notice date: 23 February 2021
Jersey Cricket Board an application to the Royal Court on 12 March 2021, to transfer its assets to Jersey Cricket Limited
Notice date: 19 February 2021
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 204(1)(b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation
Notice date: 18 February 2021
Notice is given that Capco Nominees Limited intends to merge with Third Circle Limited
Notice date: 18 February 2021
Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 204(1), subsection (b) of the BVI Business Companies Act, 2004 that the Company is in voluntary liquidation