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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Income Support: fail to look for work

​​Failing to look for work

You must look for work if you’re expected to do so under the Income Support rules. This includes:

  • participate in training
  • take part in work experience arranged for you
  • attend interviews
  • take up any suitable work you’re offered

If you don't, our officers have the power to:

  • reduce or stop your Income Support payments
  • reduce or stop your entire household Income Support payments, including payments for rent and special payments
  • prevent people who leave work without a good reason from getting the adult component of Income Support

Written warning

If you don’t do enough to look for work, you can receive a written warning. Cuts to your payments will get longer if you ignore this warning.

Once you receive a warning, it’ll stay active for at least 1 year.

Your benefit will be cut if you breach the written warning.

Penalties if you fail to look for work

If you don’t do enough to look for work, your benefit will be cut.

If you repeatedly ignore written warnings about your behaviour, all payments to your household will eventually stop.

In additional, a person who reaches the third or subsequent breach of warning will need to show 42 days (6 weeks) compliance with job seeking requirements before they can claim Income Support again.

All warnings are in place for 1 year from the date of receipt.

If the adult component is removed, this will also include any additional amount paid to a single parent.

Fail to look for workWritten notice sent to youCut to your Income Support benefit
First timeWarningNone
Second timeFirst breach of warningAdult component removed for 2 weeks
Third timeSecond breach of warning Adult component removed for 4 weeks
Fourth timeThird breach of warningAll Income Support stopped for 6 weeks minimum
Subsequent timesSubsequent breachAll Income Support stopped for 6 weeks minimum

Changes in your circumstances

Tell us if your circumstances change so we can adjust your claim.

Tell Income Support about changes of circumstances

Contact us

​For more information and support, complete the Income Support query form​.

Make an Income Support query​

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