​Impairment or health payments and who qualifies
You may be able to get extra payments as part of your Income Support claim if you:
- have a long-term illness or disability that has lasted, or will last, at least 6 months
- are terminally ill
The payments are called impairment or health payments.
Depending on the nature and severity of your condition, you can qualify for them if you:
- need to visit your GP on a regular basis
- need assistance with personal care, for example washing and dressing
- have a condition that seriously affects your ability to get around outdoors
- need a formal package of care to help you with normal living activities
Applying for impairment or health payments
You can apply for these extra payments with a special application form. You’ll need to provide details of your condition on the form and describe how it affects you.
Your answers will be checked against the report from your doctor or healthcare professional to see if you qualify.
To apply email s.impairment@gov.je or call +44 (0) 1534 444444.
See examples below to help you complete your form.
Example Income Support Medical Component claim form (adults and young people)
Example Income Support Medical Component claim form (children under 12 years old)
Young adults and children with a severe illness or disability
Income Support is normally paid to an entire household. However, young adults who have a severe illness or disability may be able to have their own Income Support claim separate from their parents. Contact us to discuss your personal circumstances.
If your household doesn't qualify for Income Support but has a child with a very high level of illness or disability, you can apply for a separate Child Personal Care benefit.
Needing regular personal care or help
You can apply for Flexible Personal Care if you need a care package that has been set up by a care professional or social worker. This would be part of your Income Support claim but is paid directly to your care provider.
If you need regular help with essential daily activities you should request a care needs assessment. Contact the Health and Community Services Department Single Point of Referral (SPOR) by email to SPOR@health.gov.je or call +44 (0) 1534 444440.
A social care professional will assess you and discuss your care needs. Once you’re assessed, your social care professional will advise if you need a care package. They’ll also let you know if you can get help with the cost through Income Support Flexible Personal Care or the long-term care scheme.
Caring for a person with a long-term illness, injury or disability
You may be able to receive carer’s benefits if you become the main carer of a person with a long-term illness, injury or disability. This is called Income Support carer’s component.
You need to apply for Income Support to receive the carer’s component. See applying for Income Support.
If you already receive Income Support, tell us if you start being a carer by completing the changes in circumstances form.
As a carer you may also be entitled to Home Carer’s Allowance.
You can claim Income Support carer’s payment and Home Carer’s Allowance at the same time. However, your Income Support payments will be adjusted with the amount of Home Carer’s Allowance you may receive.