​Psychology and Wellbeing Service (PAWBS)
4 teams come together to comprise PAWBS, namely:
Whilst the School Based Counselling Team forms part of our service, direct line management and responsibility for this team rests with the individual secondary schools who employ counsellors as members of school staff. More details about the role of the school based counsellor can be gained by contacting the individual schools or checking out their websites.
All our teams share a common drive to support and empower children and young people to further develop their social and emotional skills, well-being, voice and sense of self. Service delivery often involves direct, group and consultative work, collaborative work with other professionals and school staff and consultation with young people and their families.
​How to access this service
The first thing to do is talk to your child's nursery school staff, this can be a:
- ​​class teacher
- special educational needs coordinator
- health visitor
They will contact their link professional to arrange an initial discussion.
You can also speak to our administrator by calling +44 (0) 1534 449425.