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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Educational Psychologists (EPs)

​​​​The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is part of the Inclusion Team. 

They provide psychological services and support to all schools and settings (0 to 19 years) in Jersey and help children and young people overcome barriers to learning.

Where Educational Psychologists work

Educational psychologists (EPs) work in:

  • playgroups and nurseries
  • mainstream schools (including provisions)
  • specialist schools
  • the family home
  • clinics (in partnership with health professionals)

How Educational Psychologists work with children

Educational psychologists work with school staff and other professionals to help children and young people make the most of their education. 

They contribute to the following:

  • the assessment and identification of a child’s special educational needs (SEN)
  • discussions which consider support arrangements to enable your child to make progress
  • the educational and social inclusion of all children in schools
  • training for school staff and other professionals
  • support for schools in times of crisis and bereavement
  • support for other services working with your child

As part of their role they gather information about children. They will:

  • consult with staff to get background information
  • discuss your child with other professionals
  • meet with you as parents/carers
  • observe your child and look at their work
  • carry out assessments
  • talk with your child about their strengths and difficulties and possible ways forward

They draw on a range of approaches and assessment tools to support their work.

If you would like to find out more or have any questions or concerns, contact the Inclusion Team.

How to get access to an Educational Psychologist (EP)

If you have concerns about how your child is getting on at school:

  • talk to your class teacher or the school's special educational needs coordinator (SENco)
  • your school will contact their link Educational Psychologist (EP) if they think they are able to help
  • the EP will then talk through any concerns during their regular school visits

Your permission will be sought if an EP is going to become formally involved in supporting your child.

Educational Psychology Team consultation line

Contact us to discuss any concerns relating to a young person’s social, emotional, academic, mental health and wellbeing needs.

Call +44 (0) 7797 913411. Open​ Friday,​​ 9am to 3pm​, term time only.

EP Leaflet for Pare​nts​

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