​​​Have your say
We would like to hear from you, especially if you have relevant expertise, experience or an interest in Access to Justice.
Comments in writing are welcome from members of the public, legal professionals and experts.
Areas of interest
The review will take a broad view of Access to Justice and so comments can be submitted on any aspect of this topic.​
Known areas of interest include:
the current legal aid scheme and alternative approaches​
public opinion in legal aid in terms of eligibility, human rights compatibility and public expenditure
the provision of general advice through to court representation in criminal and civil matters, including family and children proceedings
the overall experience of seeking Access to Justice through the courts, tribunals and parish system
the use of alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation and tribunals
the availability of a high quality, efficient and independent legal profession, accompanied by the effective system to handle complaints
the affordability of Access to Justice and different models of funding litigation and providing legal representation
competition, price and other market based factors as they affect affordability, Access to Justice and the provision of legal aid in Jersey​
Submitting your comments
Your submission should address matters contained within the terms of reference of the review. It should concentrate on issues where you have an interest, experience or expertise and provide factual information of which you would like the review to be aware.
How to submit your comments: email or post
Comments can be submitted by email or post. Submissions that are sent elsewhere will not be treated as evidence to the review.
Post your comments to:
Access to Justice Review
Chief Minister's Department
Cyril Le Marquand House
St Helier
Length and format of submissions
Your submission should be in a Word or PDF document. As a guideline, submissions should not exceed 3,000 words. It's helpful if the submission includes:
- ​a brief introduction about you or your organisation
- the name, address, telephone number and email address of the person responsible for the submission
- the date of the submission
Submissions to the review are intended to result in useful and open responses. They should not contain defamatory comments, or relate to matters currently before a court of law, or in respect of which court proceedings are imminent or pending.
The review cannot investigate individual complaints or allegations of maladministration, but may refer any such case to the appropriate authority.
​Disclosure of comments submitted
Comments will usually be circulated to all members of the Access to Justice Review Advisory Panel and Expert Group in order to inform their consideration of the issues.
Most submissions will also be published on the internet. If you do not wish your submission to be published, you must clearly say so and explain your reasons.
There is no obligation to accept your submission as evidence or publish any or all of the submission even if it has been accepted as evidence. This may occur where a submission is very long or contains material which is considered to be inappropriate.​
Public hearings
Public hearings may be held, following the submission of written comments, in the form of a question and answer session.
People and organisations invited to the public hearing will be selected from those who have submitted written comments.
Let us know if you would like to appear at a public hearing in your written comments.​​​