Where is key stage 4 available?
Key stage 4 is available at all secondary schools. Some pupils may also have the opportunity to follow vocational training courses at Highlands College.
Highlands college website
What is studied at key stage 4?
The Jersey curriculum sets out the statutory curriculum that schools must follow to provide all pupils with a broad and balanced education. It sets out for each subject what pupils should be taught (programmes of study) and the expected standards of pupils’ performance.
In key stage 4 most pupils will follow GCSE courses. Some of these GCSEs will be compulsory while others are optional.
How can I help my child?
At key stage 4 it is likely that the amount of homework that pupils receive will increase. Pupils will also be expected to revise for module examinations.
All GCSE courses are externally assessed by exams. It is very important that you know when these exams are taking place and provide the right environment and encouragement at home.
It is important to attend parents' evenings to be sure that you are aware how your child is coping with their GCSE courses.
In Year 11 pupils will be making choices about their future post-16 careers. Most pupils will continue in education, either in full-time courses at school or Highlands College or on part-time day release courses whilst in work. Schools will help pupils to make the right choices for them by providing careers advice. Parental help, advice and support in this decision-making process is also vitally important.​