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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Premium

ā€‹ā€‹Jersey Premium is a targeted funding programme for schools and colleges on island which has been introduced to help all pupils get the very best from their education.  

Jersey Premium Fact Sheet

Jersey Premium Eligibility

Government of Jersey fee-paying and non-fee-paying schools and colleges receive extra funding on a per pupil basis as follows:

1. Pupils who are or have ever been Children Looked After

2. Pupils from households which have recently claimed Income Support

Income Support work closely with the Education Department to identify children who are eligible for Jersey Premium. Parents will receive a letter informing them if their child is eligible. 

If you don't want your child to benefit from Jersey Premium, you need to inform us in writing by the deadline provided in the letter. Once the deadline has passed we'll share the names of the eligible pupils with schools.

3. Pupils from households with 'Registered' status that would qualify to claim Income Support if they had lived in Jersey for five years

If you think your family would qualify for Income Support if you had lived in the Island for five years, you can find out if your child is eligible for Jersey Premium by completing the relevant form below.

4. Service Jersey Premium

Pupils who have a parent or guardian serving in the Jersey Field Squadron can apply for Service Jersey Premium. This includes parents or guardians on overseas deployment, tactical operations, exercise and training. Applications can be made via the Jersey Field Squadron.

5. Exceptional Circumstances

The case of any pupil facing extraordinary circumstances, identified as in immediate need of Jersey Premium, can be presented for consideration in respect of eligibility at a Jersey Premium Board Meeting.

Jersey Premium Application Forms

Jersey Premium Application Form - less than 5 years resident

Jersey Premium Application Form - less than 5 years resident (Polish)

Jersey Premium Application Form - less than 5 years resident (Portuguese)

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