Your legal responsibility as a parent
Parents/carers are required by article 12 of the Education (Jersey) Law 1999 to ensure that if their children of compulsory school age (aged five to 16) receive a full time education. This is either by registering a child at a school, or by arranging an alternative to school.
Education (Jersey) Law 1999 on Jersey Law website​​
Informing the school of absences
If your child is going to be absent, you must inform your school on the first day of your child's absence and keep your school updated on subsequent days.
If you don't do this it may result in your child’s absence being recorded as unauthorised.
If you're worried about your child’s attendance
If you're worried about your child’s attendance make an appointment to see your head teacher, head of year or class teacher.
Your school will support you in every way they can and this may sometimes involve the school’s Education Welfare Officer (EWO). They will work with you and your school to address concerns about attendance, punctuality and welfare.
Education Welfare Leaflet for Parents (131kb)
Leave during term time
The Education Department does not support (holiday) leave during term time.
You do not have the automatic right to withdraw your child from school. You must request permission in advance from your school's head teacher. You must make a strong case to justify your head teacher's decision to allow your child to be away from school during term time.
Your child's absence from school will disrupt the continuity of their learning.
School Attendance Policy (542kb)