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School Street Scheme for safer travel to school

​​​​​​​​​ School street infographic showing people walking and cycling

Trinity School pilot

From September 2024 to July 2025, a trial School Street will be in place on Les Ruelles outside Trinity School.

Les Ruelles will be closed to motorised traffic Monday to Friday:

  • 8:15am to 9am​
  • 2:30pm to 3:15pm

Road closure map for Trinity School Street

Other improvements

We’ve also made temporary improvements to the:

  • speed limit
  • pedestrians crossing
  • bus waiting area

Find more information about these changes on Creating Safer School Zones​.

St Luke’s School Street​

From 6 January 2025, St Luke's School Street will be permanent after its successful pilot.

Elizabeth Street is closed to motorised traffic Monday to Friday during school terms:

  • 7.45am to 9.15am
  • 2pm to 3.30pm

​The closure is between Elizabeth Street and La Route du Fort junction to the north and Elizabeth Street and Dicq Road to the south.

Road closure map for School Street at St Luke's School


About the s​cheme

A School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic access during school term drop-off and pick-up times.

During these times the street becomes a pedestrian and cycle zone only with no motorised vehicles allowed to enter unless they’re granted an exemption. This can include for:

  • residents
  • teachers
  • emergency vehicles

School Streets encourage children to walk or cycle to school. Such initiatives have seen international success.

This scheme is in line with Jersey’s pledge to provide safer walking and cycling routes for families to travel to school as part of the Common Strategic Policy 2023 to 2026​.

We’re also improving the roads near schools to make it safer to travel in the area. Find more information on Creating Safer School Zones.

Benefits of School Streets

A School Street creates a safer environment for children to travel to and from school.

Other benefits include:​

  • encourages healthier and active travel
  • improves air quality in the street. Find more information on how we monitor air quality​
  • provides a calmer and more pleasant environment
  • improves the health and wellbeing of school children
  • builds a sense of community
  • reduces the number of motor vehicles idling or parking outside the school gates​


Give your feedback or get involved

To give your feedback on School Streets email

If you want to get involved with the scheme or talk about a new School Street, speak to your school or email​

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