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Pollinator Project

​​​​​​​About the Pollinator Project

The Pollinator Project is a Channel Island initiative set up to help stop the decline in pollinating insects.

The group works with schools, charities and local organisations.

Pollinators include:

  • butterflies
  • bees
  • wasps
  • flies
  • beetles
  • ants
  • bugs
  • thrips
  • earwigs​

Find out about current initiatives on the Jersey pollinator project.

For more information email


Why pollinators are important

A pollinator is an animal that helps carry pollen from the male part of the flower (stamen) to the female part of the same or another flower (stigma). The movement of pollen must happen for a plant to become fertilized and produce:

  • fruits
  • seeds
  • young plants

Pollinators are vital for food production and biodiversity.

There is evidence that shows pollinators are in decline around the world due to a number of factors including:

  • loss of habitat
  • chemical misuse
  • introduced and invasive plants
  • introduced and invasive animals
  • diseases and parasite

How to get involved

The Pollinator Project is part of Flower Insect Timed Counts (FIT Counts). 

FIT Counts is part of the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (POMS). It’s a monitoring scheme that collect data on the total number of insects that visit a particular flower.

FIT Counts is done by volunteers counting insects outside in warm, dry weather between April and September. 

To do a FIT Count you can:

  • use the app
  • note your results in the recording form and upload them on iRecord UK POMS

The app will show you the insect groups and flowers and how to do the survey. You don’t need to know the exact species, just the group they belong to.

FIT Count app on UK POMS​

FIT Counts field recording form from UK POMS

iRecord UK POMS

Use the following guides to help you identify local species.

Flower Identification Guide

Insect Identification Guide

​Your results will help us understand more about pollinators in Jersey. They will feed into a larger UK scheme to help understand changes in numbers of pollinators. It’s a great chance for you to get involved and be part of a national scheme that will help target changes needed to help our pollinating insects.

FIT Counts: help us monitor pollinators on UK POMS

For more information email

Project background

The Pollinator Project was originally setup as a SociĂ©tĂ© Guernesiaise initiative in Guernsey. 

Several organisations and interested parties have come together to bring the Pollinator Project to Jersey:

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