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Training events and setting environmental actions and targets for your business

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Upcoming eco active business network training and events

These events are in-person and are only open to eco active business members. You must book a free ticket before the event.​​

Date and time​
Topic Booking information
At your convenience
​Eco driver training
​Apply for eco driver training​
​Thursday â€‹27 March
1pm to 2pm

​Employee benefits of active travel​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
​Wednesday 23 April
12pm to 1.30pm
​Managing Jersey's water resources for our changing climate
​Book a tick​et on Eventbrite
​Wednesday 14 May 12.30pm to 1.30pm
​It will all come out in the (green) wash
​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
​Wednesday 21 May
7.30am to ​8.45am
​Eco active business breakfast and networking session 
​​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
Wednesday 11 June
9am to 2pm and Wednesday 18 June
9am to 2pm

Carbon Literacy T​raining

​Book a ti​cket on​ Eventbrite
​Friday 13 June
12.30pm to 2pm​
​Practical steps to tackling invasive species​
​​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
Wednesday ​9 July
9.​30am to 12pm
​E-waste management and recycling
​Book a ticket on Eventbrite​
​Thursday 4 September
7.30am to 8.45am
​Eco active business breakfast and networking session
​​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
​Tuesday 9 September
1pm to 2.30pm
​Heating and cooling - cutting cost and carbon emissions from heating your workplace​
​​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
​Friday 19 September
9am to 2pm and
Friday 26 September
9am to 2pm
​Car​bon Literacy​ Training
​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
Wednesday 26 ​November 12.30​pm to 1.45pm

​Progress update on the Carbon Neutral Roadmap
​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
​Wednesday 3 December
7.30am to 8.45am
​Eco active business breakfast and networking session 
​​Book a ticket on Eventbrite​
​Wednesday 10 December 12pm to 1pm​
​​Setting net zero actions and monitoring your organisation's success
​Book a ticket on Eventbrite
​Friday 5 December 9am to 2pm and
Friday 12 December
9am to 2pm
​​Carbon Literacy​ Training​
​Book a ticket on Eventbrite


E​co driver training is available to members and leaders of the eco active business network for free at a time that suits your organisation.

Eco driving does not involve making any changes to vehicles instead it is a driving style that reduces fuel bills, cuts carbon emissions and lowers accident rates. Adopting eco driving can reduce a vehicles miles per gallon (MPG) by up to 15%. 

​​W​hy a business should set environmental actions and targets​​

​Setting action plans helps businesses to:​

  • plan ahead
  • identify roles and responsibilities
  • set timescales
  • identify any financial implications
  • reflect on achievements​

Members and leaders of the eco active business network have signed up to improve the environmental performance of their businesses.  

We believe in step by step improvement, so we ask you to set and deliver at least 2 new actions per year. 

Identifying environmental actions or targets

Each year one environmental action or target​ must focus on reducing carbon emissions or energy use. The second action can be from another environmental area, for example:

  • waste
  • water
  • transport
  • biodiversity
  • procurement
  • community involvement
  • education and awareness or staff training

Environmental actions should be integrated within the business plan. This will make sure: 

  • everyone is aware of what you are doing
  • it becomes normal behaviour​
  • it is not seen as an added extra​​

The eco active business network are offered training and events to help identify and meet targets.

Eco active business knowledge hub

The eco active business knowledge hub is for all employees of businesses that are members of the eco active business network. This group will allow members to share ideas, network and work together to solve problems relating to environmental improvement. â€‹

Guide on how to sign up to the eco a​ctive business ​knowledge hub​​

​Eco active case studies

Biodiversity: Pollinator patch 

A local office has converted their outside area into an urban garden, with a pollinator patch and bug and bee hotels. This could be an action for any company with an outside space, or a company could sponsor a community pollinator patch.

Eco active case study for pollinator patches

Procurement: Sustainable purchasing

How renting equipment reduces waste and carbon emissions.

Eco active business case study on sustainable purchasing

Reducing the risk of negative environmental impacts

Some business activities have a negative impact on the environment. You need to understand which business activities are high risk. You can manage risks better by adding environment impacts to risk assessments. 

​It's important that your staff know what the risks are and what they need to do to meet business requirements.​

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