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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Septic tank services

​​​Septic tank emptying service

You can request for your septic tank to be emptied by completing the online service application.

Septic tanker service application

Or you can call the Tanker Office on +44 (0) 1534 448524.

We will usually empty your tank within 5 working days or you can request to have a regular service.


If you need assistance during out of hours call +44 (0) 1534 445509. We have different service charges for emergencies.

Septic system investigation and advice

If you have concerns about your septic system, we can investigate the issues and give you advice on use and maintenance. This service is usually free of charge.

Sludge removal service

Over a long period your septic tank may accumulate a significant amount of sludge at the bottom.

Your septic tank should be disturbed as little as possible but the occasional removal of this sludge is desirable.

We offer a maximum of 1 free desludge in any 12 months for properties unable to connect to a sewer. Additional loads will be charged as a normal load as per charges below.


Our tank emptying charges are based on the number of loads per calendar year you'll need. We review our charges annually.

Septic tank and soakaway systems

Number of loadsCharges, including GST
1 to 2
3 to 12​£36.02
13 and over​£79.83

Concessionary rates apply if your property has serious drainage problem and it cannot be fixed. You'll need to show that:

  • your system has failed despite adequate maintenance being carried out
  • further improvements cannot be carried out
  • a new system cannot be installed
If a new system cannot work due to your site conditions, you must prove this by porosity testing. This testing must be supervised and approved by Building Control Officers.​

Properties that could connect to a sewer

This charge applies if your property is able to connect to an adjacent sewer. Unless this can only be achieved by pumping.

Number of loads (up to 750 gallons)Charges from, including GST
All loads​£199.41 per load

Tight tanks

Your property would have been installed with a tight tank if it was a new built or was developed after 1990 and was not able to connect to the main sewer.​

Number of loads (up to 750 gallons)​Charges per load, including GST
All loads​£79.83
Concessionary loads​£20.62

Emergency call charges

If you need assistance during out of hours the following charges apply.

Day​Charges, including GST
Weekdays and Saturdays​£258.07 per load
Sundays and bank holidays​£348.52 per load
Jet Vac tanker
​£151.98 per hour​

Types of tanker we use

The type of tanker we'll use to empty your tank depends on how easy we can access your tank. Our small tankers have a capacity of up to 750 gallons. Large tankers have a capacity of 1,500 gallons.

Access requirements Type of tanker used  Loads removed per visit
Difficult access but good parking near your tank
Small tanker operated by 1 man
1 load
Difficult access but no parking near your tankSmall tanker operated by 2 men using a hose reel1 load
Reasonable access and good parking near your tankLarge tanker operated by 1 man2 loads
Reasonable access but no parking near your tankLarge tanker operated by 2 men using a hose reel2 loads

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