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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Bus stop improvements consultation 2024

DepartmentInfrastructure and Environment
Start date27/11/2023
End date29/12/2023
Type of consultationOther
Deadline for comments29/12/2023

About the consultation

​​We want your input to seek the Minister’s approval of the installation of 7 new bus shelters in Jersey. 

This is to provide Islanders with shelters at suitable bus stop locations as part of the ongoing programme to deliver improved facilities for public transport customers, in accordance with the Government Plan and Sustainable Transport Policy.

The first 6 locations are:

  • ​Beaumont (2748) westbound, St Peter
  • Greve d’Azette (2342) eastbound, St Clement
  • La Hocq Slipway (2954) eastbound, St Clement
  • La Motte Street (2867), St Helier
  • Parcq du Rivage (3429) westbound, St Lawrence
  • Trinity Arms (4645) eastbound, Trinity

These 6 sites were included in a public consultaiton carried out in late 2023. 

In addition to these, a further location has been identified at: 

  • Six Roads (eastbound) in St Lawrence​

How to submit comments to the consultation

The consultation is closed and the feedback is now available.​

Bus Stop Improvements 2024 consultation report​

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