Department | Department for the Economy |
Start date | 05/07/2023 |
End date | 15/09/2023 |
Type of consultation | White paper |
Deadline for comments | 15/09/2023 |
Responses publish date | 24/05/2024 |
About the consultation
Although this consultation is now closed, you can get involved in the next step towards protecting consumers from abusive lending practices.
Workshops are being held to discuss the way in which the consumer credit regime will be introduced for various sectors (others may be added):
- agents / car and retail finance
- roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies (JFSC/Ombudsman/Trading Standards)
- classes of business
- exemptions​
To express an interest in joining a workshop email
Consultation Feedback: The Consumer Credit Regime - Proposed Regulation
About the​​ consumer credit regime
The Government wants to protect consumers from abusive lending practices and enable them to make well-informed decisions when using credit providers, as well as other credit services such as credit advice, debt collecting, and administration.
We also want:
- to give clarity to businesses that will be regulated under the proposed regime
- to ensure that the regime is practicable to implement, and
- the regime is compatible with existing regulatory requirements in neighbouring British jurisdictions.
This consultation seeks your views on the proposed legislative changes.
Full consultation paper for Consumer Credit Regime
Summary consultation paper for businesses
Summary consultation paper for consumers
Regime de Crédito ao Consumidor: Consulta para Consumidores
Current position
Although there are some protections in place, lending money to people is not currently regulated in Jersey, except:
- against money laundering and the financing and carrying-out of terrorism
- against unfair commercial practices towards consumers and aggressive selling techniques and misinforming or misleading people about products or services
- for banks whose deposit-taking is already supervised by the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC)
There is a voluntary Consumer Lending Code of Practice and a voluntary Debt collectors' code of conduct, but neither are compulsory, and compliance is not currently overseen by a regulator.
Proposed changes
The changes, set out in the draft Financial Services (Amendment No.5) (Jersey) Law202-, will:
- set the scope of the new regulatory regime
- provide additional powers to impose substantive requirements on the providers of consumer credit and ancillary services
Draft Financial Services (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 202-
Draft Financial Services (Amendment No. 5) (Jersey) Law 202- Explanatory Note
What the proposals mean for consumers
The intention is for the new law to protect people who borrow money by establishing regulatory standards which people who lend money will be required to follow. Those who will benefit are:
individuals, irrespective of their personal wealth or circumstances, provided they are acting wholly or mainly outside of their trade, business, or profession
small businesses where the person employs less than 10 full time employees and which have a balance sheet or turnover that does not exceed GBP 2 million
The proposed regime is wide ranging and includes:
- personal loans (including from banks)
- credit extended by debt collection agencies
- mortgages over Jersey properties which are the consumer’s primary residence
- credit provided as part of debt-adjusting and debt administration services
- business loans to small businesses up to ÂŁ30,000
- personal contract purchase financing/balloon loan (typically used for car finance)
- store credit
- linked credit
- hire purchase
- pay day loans
- overdrafts
- buy now pay later loans
Summary of proposals and consultation questions for consumers
How consumers will be affected on YouTube
Lenders and lending-related activity
The proposed regime is wide ranging. It will cover any cash loan and any other form of financial accommodation. This includes:
- consumer credit agreements
- consumer hire agreements
- secured lending arrangements. Commonly referred to as mortgages
In addition to lending, the types of activities that will be caught by the proposed regime are:
All lending activity, unless explicitly exempted from legislation, is in scope of the proposed regime if it is being carried out “by way of business”.
If you lend money, including as a private citizen and do so “by way of business”, you will become regulated for consumer credit business under the proposed amends to the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 from the end of 2024.
A good practical barometer for determining whether you are lending “by way of business” and required to register with the JFSC for a licence, is whether you are required to register with the JFSC for Anti-Money Laundering, Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Countering Proliferation Financing (AML, CFT and CPT) purposes.
Any of the following factors may indicate you are lending “by way of business” irrespective of whether you are a company lending money or a private individual loaning funds:
- lending is frequent
- lending is on commercial terms with regular repayments or has a set or indicative final date for repayment
- loans are secured to ensure repayment of the loan, such as a mortgage
- interest is paid on the loan or a fee is charged
There is a section specific for private lenders in the questionnaire.
How private lenders will be affected on YouTube
Public meeting dates
​We provided briefings for businesses, private lenders and consumers during the consultation:
Presentation slides on consumer credit regime for businesses
Presentation slides on ​consumer credit regime for consumers
You can get involved in the next stage workshops by contacting
How to submit comments to the consultation
This consultation is now closed and the results published below.
The consultation paper was sent to the Public Consultation Register. It has also been provided directly to the following organisations:
- Jersey Financial Services Commission
- Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman
- Institute of Directors – Jersey Branch
- Jersey Chamber of Commerce
- Jersey Business
- Jersey Consumer Council
- Citizens’ Advice Jersey
- Jersey Trading Standards
- The Law Society of Jersey
- The Viscount’s Department
- The Royal Court of Jersey
- The Law Officers' Department
- Jersey Finance Limited
- Jersey Bankers Association
- Jersey Association of Trust Companies
- STEP Jersey
- Jersey Funds Association
- Association of Restructuring and Insolvency Experts – Jersey Branch
- Jersey Motor Trades Federation
- Age Concern Jersey
- Personal Finance Society (Jersey)
- Legislative Advisory Panel
- Jersey Landlords Association
- Jersey Farmers Union
- Jersey Construction Council
- Jersey Estate Agents Association
Data protection
The information you provide will be processed in compliance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. For more information see the
Department for the Economy privacy notices.
Under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011, information submitted to this consultation may be released if a Freedom of Information (FOI) request requires it, but no personal data may be released.
Responses to the consultation
Consultation Feedback: The Consumer Credit Regi​me Proposed Regulation