​The Code of Practice for Consumer Lending is a voluntary code of practice with the key aims of:
- enabling Jersey consumers to be fully aware of, and understand, the terms under which they are borrowing money
- enabling Jersey lenders, brokers and financial advisers to obtain the right information to ensure that credit is not advanced where the ability to meet repayment might be in doubt
- promoting responsible lending
Any business who subscribes to this code should follow these standards as a minimum.
These standards seek to ensure Jersey consumers are treated fairly and that the opportunities for taking on excessive financial commitments are reduced.
The code applies to formally agreed lending to Jersey consumers, which includes:
- personal loans
- mortgages
- hire purchase agreements
- overdrafts
The subscribers will also apply the code’s standards to lending arranged via third parties, whether those parties are subscribers or not. The code does not apply to business borrowing nor does it apply where the sum to be borrowed is £500 or less.
A link to an up-to-date list of subscribers is available below.
Companies signed up to the code of practice for consumer lending
The code is available to download here or printed copies are available from:
- any subscriber to the code
- Trading Standards, PO Box 228, Jersey, JE2 3QQ
- Citizens Advice Bureau, St Paul's Gate, New Street, St Helier
Code of consumer lending
The code is currently under review. A working group has been established by the Jersey Consumer Council, who are the code sponsors. For more information contact the Jersey Consumer Council.
Jersey Consumer Council website