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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Department for the Economy

Our mission is to secure continued social, economic and fiscal prosperity for our island community that comes from a sustainable and vibrant local economy which makes best use of our resources.

​​​​​​​​​​Our purpose

We're directly responsible for the stewardship of Jersey’s foundation economy, digital economy and financial services sector through the development of advice, policy and legislation which provide the right conditions for economic success. We promote an economy that works for all participants through our relationship with a range of arm’s length organisations that support economic development, regulation and conformance to recognised international standards.


  • ​Financial and Professional Services
  • Economic Advisory
  • ​Local and Digital Economy
    • Digital Economy
    • Rural and Marine
    • Retail and Visitor
    • Aviation and Maritime
    • Growth and Trade
    • Arts, Culture and Heritage
    • ​Sport

What we do

We help create the environment for Jersey to have a sustainable, vibrant economy, and a skilled workforce, for the future. Our main responsibilities include:

  • working closely with partners to support the development and diversification of Jersey’s economy, including the retail, hospitality, rural, digital, aircraft and marine sectors
  • protecting and developing the reputation and opportunities for financial services industry, and ensuring that it's meeting the international standards for combatting crime
  • overseeing arm's length organisations which support new and established businesses
  • developing growth and trade, and encouraging inward investment, the relocation of appropriate business to Jersey, and the relocation of high net worth individuals who will contribute economically and socially
  • liaising with organisations to support and promote sport, arts, heritage and culture
  • providing impartial analysis and advice on the economy, competition, and intellectual property to the States Assembly and across Government


Deputy Kirsten Morel

Minister for Sustainable Economic Development

Deputy Ian Gorst

Minister for External Relations

Constable Andy Jehan

Assistant Minister for Sustainable Economic Development

Deputy Elaine Millar

Assistant Minister for External Relations

Deputy Moz Scott

Assistant Minister for Sustainable Economic Development

Senior management team

Richard Corrigan

Chief Officer
01534 440449

Thomas Holvey

Chief Economic Advisor

Helen De La Cour

Director of Financial and Professional Services
01534 440435

Documents, policies and publications

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