​​​​​​Integrated health and care
The Health and Care Jersey Minister and Assistant Ministers are considering how to reorganise the current structure of Jersey’s health and care services.
This will help services work together to improve the health and wellbeing of Islanders by:
supporting people to stay well, which reduces the need for services
providing care and support to those who need it
Services that work better together are referred to as integrated services.
Integrated services are more efficient and effective, and help ensure that Islanders’ and Government’s money is well spent. This is important in Jersey as our population ages and the costs of care and treatment increases.
In October and November 2024, the Minister consulted key stakeholders on proposals to integrate health and care services. This included providers of Government and non-Government health and care services, such as GPs.
Integrated Health and Care System Consultati​on Process Feedback Report​
Next steps
Before the end of December 2024, the Minister will determine how to proceed with bringing forward new integrated system arrangements.
This will be done in consultation with the Council of Ministers, having taken the consultation feedback into account.