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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Dental department at the General Hospital

​Our location

We're in Newgate Street, opposite the Gwyneth Huelin wing entrance of the General Hospital. The closest car park is Patriotic Street.

Google Map Place Holder
Place Name: "!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2607.6733360976845!2d-2.114157784109724!3d49.18778498541061!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x480c52423293c56b%3A0xdc41db82bcd480f3!2sJersey+General+Hospital!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sje!4v1540221822414"

Opening times

​Opening times
​Monday and Tuesday
​7.45am to 7.45pm
​7.45am to 4.30pm
​8.15am to 4.30pm
​Friday​8.15am to 4pm

Services we offer

Our 4 areas of work are:

  • community dental, providing dental care for children up to completion of primary school
  • orthodontics, treatment for children and young adults in full time education. Your dentist refers you if you meet the treatment criteria
  • oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • special care dentistry

Referral to us 

Treatment with our Community Dental Department is made by self-referral. Orthodontics and oral surgery referrals must be made by your GP or dentist.

Appointments are allocated in priority or date order.

Emergency appointments and treatment

Emergency appointments and treatment

If your primary school aged child is in pain call the department as soon as possible on +44 (0) 1534 445300. You'll need to email us:

  • your child's full name
  • your child's date of birth
  • a photograph showing where your child is complaining of pain

A dentist will triage and someone will contact you to advise if an emergency appointment is needed.

Emergency treatment out of hours

If you need emergency treatment outside of our opening times, due to an accident or facial trauma, go to the Emergency Department in the General Hospital.

Routine appointments

We treat all children up to Year 6. Contact us to make an appointment.

We also see patients with complex medical conditions and learning disabilities. This service is on a referral basis for patients who cannot receive treatment in the private sectors.

The Oral Surgery and Orthodontic departments are referral only services. Your dentist or GP needs to refer you to the hospital. We then contact you to arrange an appointment.

Transferring appointments

We are only able to accommodate 1 rescheduled routine appointment due to the high demand for our service. If it's rescheduled a second time, you'll be returned to our waiting list.

Appointment reminder

Text messages are sent 2 days prior to an appointment. 

Arriving late for your appointment

If you arrive late for your appointment, you may not be seen. 

Cancel your appointment

Contact us if you need to cancel your appointment.

Due to the high level of patients not attending their appointments, we have updated our process if an appointment is missed.

We send a letter to the parent or guardian of a child who did not attend. This letter tells them that another appointment will be booked if they contact us within 30 days.

If no contact is made, the child will be discharged.

If there are any oral health concerns, referral to other health care professionals may be needed.


We provide dental care to children up to the end of primary school and adults with complex needs, and are committed to safeguarding.

We work with agencies who respond to any risks without delay.

Our team receives safeguarding training and support to promote effective inter-agency working. We work to the Safeguarding Partnership Boards (SPB) policies and guidance.


We make the appropriate arrangements for you before your appointment. Contact us if you need an interpreter.


We welcome your views on our services. It’s important we know when we are getting things right and if we can improve.

If you have a compliment, complaint or suggestion, email or call +44 (0) 1534 445300.

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