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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Health and Care Jersey

Find out about the role and function of Health and Care Jersey (previously Health and Community Services)
Top-down view of a doctor typing on his laptop

​​​What we do

We aim to enable Islanders to live longer, healthier and productive lives. We provide safe, sustainable, affordable and integrated services in partnership with others. 

These include the provision of a wide array of hospital services, social care and support in the community, such as:

  • providing hospital care including emergency care, intensive care and maternity services and in the UK when needed
  • providing social care services, and services in the community
  • monitoring and improvement of the quality of all services
  • the education and development of medical professionals
  • the provision of a coordinated approach to mental health care 
  • offering free, private and confidential counselling services 
  • influencing and creating conditions that allow people to improve their health
Find further information in the departmental summary for Health and Care Jersey​


Deputy Tom Binet

Minister for Health and Care Jersey

Deputy Rose Binet

Assistant Minister

Deputy Andy Howell

Assistant Minister

Deputy Barbara Ward

Assistant Minister

Documents, policies and publications

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