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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

UK and Jersey health agreement

​​​​​​Reciprocal Health Agreement (RHA)

Jersey and the UK have a Reciprocal Health Agreement which means that if you qualify for free healthcare in Jersey and require emergency treatment when visiting the UK, or vice versa, you won't have to pay certain healthcare charges.

The reciprocal health agreements only cover you if your visit was intended to last for less than six months and you don't intend to move countries permanently.

For students, the agreement covers the full duration of their course of study.

The agreement doesn't cover all costs, for example,​ certain types of follow on treatment or travel costs.

Jersey and UK Reciprocal Health Agreement

Travel insurance

Travel insurance is strongly recommended. Make sure you're covered for specialised medical transport home (repatriation) and medical transfers for treatment. These are often the most expensive charges when you need overseas treatment.

Patient travel and related charges policy

What you have to pay for

You're not covered for non-urgent conditions and will have to pay for them. 

You won't get free treatment for urgent conditions when treatment can be scheduled for a future date. 

If you need emergency treatment that can't be provided locally, the hospital may arrange for you to be transferred overseas. In such cases, you won't be able to choose the hospital you're transferred to and all transfers relating to non-emergency treatment will be charged for.  

You will also have to pay for: 

  • GP treatment 
  • prescriptions 
  • some types of medical equipment and supplies 
  • certain travel arrangements (for example repatriation) ​
  • on-going services for an existing treatment plan  
  • treatment for pre-existing conditions you're awaiting treatment (for example surgery) unless there is a major deterioration in that condition while you're visiting Jersey 
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