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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Overseas offices (External Relations)

The Government of Jersey London Office

The Government of Jersey London Office supports ministers and all Government departments in their interactions with:

  • the UK government
  • parliamentarians
  • the diplomatic and business communities
  • wider UK society
We play a leading role in: 

  • making sure Jersey’s position is understood by decision-makers and commentators throughout the UK
  • defending the island’s interests
  • assisting colleagues to attract visitors and inward investment to the island
  • being a point of contact for the Jersey community in the UK

The Jersey London Office team​

Dr. Jim Robinson: Head of UK affairs
​Phone: 0207 808 1142

William Curley: UK Affairs AttachĂ© 
Phone: 020 7808 1144

Julie Moore: Office M​anager 
Phone: 020 7808 1140

Matthew Murphy: UK Affairs Officer
Phone: 020 7808 1157 

W​here to find us

4th Floor
2 Queen Anne's Gate Buildings
Dartmouth Street
SW1H 9BP​​

​London Office

The Channel Islands Brussels Office

The Channel Islands Brussels Office (CIBO) promotes the interests of the Channel Islands in Europe, the Channel Islands to the EU institutions, and advises the governments of Guernsey and Jersey on EU policy issues.

The Channel Islands Brussels Office team

Rebecca Millar â€“ Director 
Senthia De Buyst – Operations Manager and Policy Assistant 
Kerry O'Donoghue - Economic Affairs AttachĂ©e

How to contact us 

You can contact us by:

Where to find us

Channel Islands Brussels Office
Fondation privée
Rond Point Schuman 6
B-1040 Brussels

Channel Islands Brussels Office

The Bureau des Iles Anglo Normandes

The Bureau des ĂŽles Anglo-Normandes promotes the interests of the Channel Islands in France.

Located in Caen, its mission is to promote and help political, economic, cultural, educational and operational links with the French government and its institutions at departmental, regional and national levels.

The Bureau des Iles Anglo Normandes team

Aurelie Leroy – Director 
Elise Meerpoel - Attachée

How to contact us 

You can contact us by:

Where to find us

12 Rue Ferdinand Buisson
14280 Saint-Contest

Bureau des Iles Anglo-Normandes

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