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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

External Relations

Find out about how the Government of Jersey works with our partners around the world to promote and protect the Island’s interests
2 men shaking hands with a flag in the background

​​​​​What we do

We along with the Chief Minister are responsible for the conduct of Jersey's external relations in accordance with the common policy of the Council of Ministers.

We manage Jersey's external relationships with other countries and regional organisations, including constitutional, political, economic, cultural, and environmental links. We hope to raise Jersey's positive international identity and Jersey's external influence.

Our main responsibilities include:

  • protecting Jersey's unique constitution and its domestic and fiscal autonomy
  • promoting Jersey's international identity and good reputation as a responsible global actor committed at home and abroad to the rule of law, international standards, and respect for internationally recognised human and labour rights including racial, gender and LGBTQ+ equality
  • serving Jersey's best economic interests by promoting a strong, diversified and internationally connected economy, safeguarding its competitive position as a platform for global business and promoting growth through trade and investment
  • promoting Jersey's island identity abroad, together with a greater spirit of international awareness at home
  • joining with others in supporting sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries and in providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, persecution and conflict
  • leading by example in the areas of climate change and sustainability, including through international engagement and with reference to efforts to achieve domestic carbon neutrality


Deputy Ian Gorst

Minister for External Relations

Deputy Carolyn Labey

Assistant Minister

Deputy Elaine Millar

Assistant Minister

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