14 November 2024
Recently, the HSI received several notifications of gas pipes and high-voltage electrical cables being struck during construction work.
No-one received injuries in these events. However the safety of employees and others was put at risk from:
- fire or explosion
- burns
- electric shock
- electrocution
This happened to a 22 year old man in the YouTube video below. He suffered significant burns and spent a month in hospital after striking a live electrical cable. The other worker suffered serious burns and longer-term traumatic stress.
Electrical explosion leaves worker scarred for life on YouTube
Dutyholders who commission, plan, manage and carry out work near utility service infrastructure are required to identify, detect, mark and where necessary make safe underground services before the work starts.
Safe work on or near underground services can be achieved by:
arranging for diversion, disconnection or protection of underground services at the design stage
- obtaining the most up to date plans for utility cabling, pipework and ductwork from service operators
- having competent personnel pinpoint the location of underground services using locating devices. The competent personnel should be trained in all modes of operation of the locating devices and how to interpret their readings
- marking the location of underground services using suitable media that is weatherproof and accounts for the surface being worked on
- using safe excavation or digging practices utilising hand tools to further pinpoint underground services and to perform further excavations
- identification and provision of suitable additional protective clothing for operators.
The use of the above system is considered reasonably practicable for dutyholders to achieve. Any other equally effective methodology is also acceptable. Using utility plans alone with no further service location method is not acceptable.
Further guidance
Avoiding danger from underground services and other utility apparatus
This should be read in conjunction with the guidance for the Health and Safety
Management in Construction (Jersey) Regulations 2016.