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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Baby feetBaby feet

How to register an adoption

The Superintendent Registrar will register the adoption when they have received the adoption order from the Royal Court of Jersey.

Documents you'll receive when you adopt a child

When you adopt a child we will produce 2 documents:

  • extract of an entry in the Adopted Children Register, this is the equivalent of a birth certificate
  • short Form Birth Certificate, this contains no reference to the fact of adoption and shows only the adoptive name and surname, sex, date and place of birth of your child

The Adopted Children Register contains the detai​ls of all adoptions authorised by the Royal Court of Jersey.

An entry only contains the adoptive details of a person and has no information that relates back to the original birth entry.

If the child was born in Jersey, the Superintendent Registrar takes steps to seal the original birth registration so that this registration becomes highly confidential. No public access to the original birth record is then permitted and no copy of the original birth registration can be produced.

A new Social Security number is generated for the child and this will be provided to you.

We will notify Revenue Jersey so you don't need to provide them with a copy of the adoption certificate. More information about child tax allowances

Cost of adoption documents

Your adoption documents will cost:

  • £33.12 for a Certificate of Adoption. This is to be used in place of a Birth Certificate
  • £11.04 for a Short Form Certificate

We do not charge for the registration of an adoption.

You can pay for and collect both certificates a minimum of 2 working days following the Adoption Order issued by the Royal Court.

If you're adopted and want a copy of your original birth certificate

You need to contact the Fostering and Adoption Team.

We can only show you the original birth register entry if you are the person on the registration and you have authorisation from the Fostering and Adoption Team.


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