Jersey residents getting married or forming a civil partnership abroad
It is not our responsibility to find out the requirements of the country you would like to marry or form a civil partnership in, you need to contact the marriage or civil partnership authorities of the country that you want to hold your ceremony in and ask what they need.
Leave plenty of time to contact them as each country has different requirements and timeframes.
Getting married abroad leaflet
Apply to give notice to marry or form a civil partnership
You will need to apply to give notice to marry or form a civiil partnership as if you were getting married or forming a civil partnership in Jersey. State on your application you're applying for a certificate of no impediment.
If you both live in Jersey, you both need to ask for a certificate of no impediment and you both need to give notice.
Apply for a certificate of no impediment
The marriage or civil partnership authority in the country where you are having you ceremony may ask you to provide evidence that you and/or your partner are free to marry or form a civil partnership by providing a document called a Certificate of No Impediment. A Certificate of No Impediment is issued by the Superintendent Registrar.
You must be resident in Jersey to apply for a Certificate of No Impediment.
You must check the requirements from the marriage or civil partnership authority where your ceremony is taking place. This will include checking what timeframes are required for submitting the Certificates of No Impediment.
Each Certificate of No Impediment issued by the Superintendent Registrar is valid for 3 months from the date that you give Notice to Marry or Notice to Form a Civil Partnership.
To apply for a Certificate for No Impediment you must make a standard application to marry or form a civil partnership to the Office of the Superintendent Registrar.
The fee for making an application to marry or form a civil partnership is £220.76 whether you need 1 Certificate of No Impediment or 2.
You'll then be guided through the process of giving Notice to Marry or form a Civil Partnership.
26 days after you have given Notice, you must attend the Office of the Superintendent Registrar to complete the process and be issued with a Certificate of No Impediment.
Each Certificate of No Impediment costs £110.38. The total cost of a Certificate of No Impediment is therefore £331.14 or £441.52.