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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of gold wedding ring placed on open bookPhoto of gold wedding ring placed on open book

Becoming a marriage celebrant

Marriages in Jersey can only be performed by an authorised marriage celebrant. 

The term ā€˜marriage celebrantā€™ includes:

  • an Authorised Civil Celebrant who will perform civil marriages
  • an Authorised Religious Official who will perform marriage in accordance with their religious rites

Civil marriage celebrants must perform the marriage of same-sex couples and must officiate civil partnership conversions.

Apply to be an Authorised Civil Celebrant


Before applying, make sure that there are vacancies for the role and read the:

Complete an application form and return it to us.


You may be invited to interview, or we might ask for information from others to help determine your application.

You will also be invited to take part in training and assessment to see if you have the skills and knowledge required to act as a marriage celebrant.


Once you have been authorised as an Authorised Civil Celebrant you need to:

  • take an oath before the Royal Court of Jersey to well and faithfully perform the duties of an Authorised Civil Celebrant
  • pay the Ā£157.50 initial registration fee and the annual registration fee Ā£210. The annual fee must be paid by 5 January for each year of registration

Then we will enter your details into the register of Authorised Civil Celebrants. You will be authorised five years.


If we reject your application you can request a review by the Minister.

Contact us if you want the Minister to review your application.

Renewal of authorisation as an Authorised Civil Celebrant

You need to apply to renew your authorisation before the end of the five year term. The renewal process is the same as the application process, except that you will not have to pay the Ā£157.50 initial registration fee or take the Royal Court oath.


You may be invited to interview, or we might ask for information from others to help determine the application.

You could also be invited to a training session. The purpose is to assess whether you have the knowledge required to perform marriage in accordance with the law.


If you become an Authorised Religious Official we will enter your details on to the Register of Authorised Religious Officials. You will be authorised for an unlimited period.


If we reject your application you can request a review by the Minister. 

Contact us if you want the Minister to review your application.

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