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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Photo of gold wedding ring placed on open bookPhoto of gold wedding ring placed on open book

​​​​​​​Who can use The Ceremony Room

The Ceremony Room at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar is available for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies, which will be solemnised by the Superintendent Registrar or a Deputy Superintendent Registrar.

The use of the Ceremony Room follows a policy aimed at providing a low-cost legal venue. It cannot be hired for private use and should not be considered as a typical venue for personal ceremonies.

You can find a list of all approved marriage venues in Jersey. If a venue or place you would like to have your ceremony is not on the list, you can apply to have a wedding location in Jersey approved.

Availability and cost

The Ceremony Room is available Monday to Friday 1.30pm and 2.30pm, excluding Bank Holidays.

The Ceremony Room and the​ Superintendent Registrar as a celebrant are available for marriage and civil partnership ceremonies at a low cost. This is part of the Government of Jersey's commitment to the 'Right To Marry' under Human Rights law, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to getting married.

Ceremonies will last around 15 minutes and will be solemnised by the Superintendent Registrar or a Deputy Superintendent Registrar free of charge.

The cost to use the Ceremony Room is £22.08.

Use of the Ceremony Room for legal ceremonies is subject to availability and at the discretion of the Superintendent Registrar.

The Office of the Superintendent Registrar is a working public office, so other registration services will be taking place during a cereomy. Attendees should be mindful not to disrupt any public appointments.​

Reservation conditions

A reservation of the Ceremony Room will only be accepted once an 'Application to Marry' or to 'form a Civil Partnership' is submitted and accepted by the Superintendent Registrar. Temporary or place holder reservations will not be accepted.​

The Ceremony Room can only be reserved for a marriage or civil partnership ceremony authorised by the Superintendent Registrar of Jersey.

The Ceremony Room cannot be reserved for Administrative Conversions. Administrative Conversions will take place at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar in an area at the discretion of the Superintendent Registrar. Guests cannot attend Administrative Conversion appointments.

Who can attend a ceremony

You are responsible for providing 2 witnesses for your ceremony, they must be:

  • over the age of 18
  • of sound mind
  • able to hear and understand the ceremony

A maximum of 12 people, including the couple getting married or entering a civil partnership. are permitted to attend the Ceremony Room. This means up to 10 additional guests are allowed.

Babies and children are welcome, but they will count towards the 12 person limit. There is a designated space outside the Ceremony Room for storing buggies and pushchairs, as they are not allowed inside.​

No animals are permitted in the Office of the Superintendent Registrar, including the Ceremony Room, except for Guide Dogs.

Photographers and videographers can attend but they will also be counted as part of the 12 person limit.

Guests attending a ceremony

Attendees can arriveno earlier than 15 minutes and no later than 5 minutes before the ceremony starts. They will be shown to the Ceremony Room.

The Ceremony Room is available for a maximum of 30 minutes from the scheduled ceremony start time. All attendees must leave the Office of the Superintendent Registrar immediately after the ceremony. The Ceremony Room may be booked for another ceremony before or after yours, so its important everyone arrives and departs on time.

​The Ceremony Room guidelines and restrictions​

The ceremony room is provided and set up for ceremonial use.

You can


    have your own handheld bridal bouquet


    photograph or film the ceremony


    bring a speaker or device to play music during the ceremony. You are responsible for operating any such devices. In accordance with the law, all music choices must be declared during the application process and approved by the Superintendent Registrar

You can not


    move or re-arrange any of the furniture or decorations


    bring or add any additional furniture or decorations, including, but not limited to floral arrangements and candles


    bring or consume any food or drink on the premises. It is against the law for food or drink to be brought in to the Ceremony Room where a legal ceremony is taking place


    smoke. Smoking is strictly forbidden anywhere within the Office of the Superintendent Registrar (including vapes or electronic cigarettes)


    throw confetti or rice in the Ceremony Room or within the Office of the Superintendent Registrar. Ensure that any confetti thrown outside the Office of the Superintendent Registrar is biodegradable

​Coats and belongings should be taken in to the Ceremony Room.

The Office of the Superintendent Registrar will not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage of guests' or customers' property left at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar or Ceremony Room.​

All items belonging to the attendees (including any rubbish) should be removed from the Ceremony Room after use.


The Office of the Supe​rintendent is located on the ground floor. Access to the Office of the Superintendent Registrar is step free and fully accessible, as is the Ceremony Room.

Toilets (including an accessible toilet) and baby changing facilities are available for public use.


New Street is closed to general through traffic and there is no parking at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar.

Limited disabled parking is available in New Street.

The nearest public carparks are Minden Place or Pier Road carparks.​

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