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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Person signing documentPerson signing document

Proof of life certification

A proof of life certificate is produced by a trusted entity to confirm that an individual was alive at the time of its creation. You may need this if you're claiming a pension from another country.

You can apply at our office for a proof of life certificate.

You need to bring all documents from the country you are claiming pension from and photo ID.

A proof of life certification costs £55.19.


If you need to have a certificate certified by Apostille you need to contact the Legalisation Office and order the service, you can find out how to do this on legalisation of documents

It is your responsibility to deliver any certificate ordered from the Office of the Superintendent Registrar to the Legalisation Office.

If you cannot deliver a certificate ordered from the Office of the Superintendent Registrar to the Legalisation Office, a member of staff can hand deliver the certificate to the Legalisation Office for a fee of £22.08.

You will need to liaise directly with the Legalisation Office in all matters relating to Apostilles.

Apply for a full search of all registrations

You can apply for a full search of all registrations relating to you held at our office and the Judicial Greffe. 

We'll provide a certified document detailing all results. This document is used to prove your identity or civil status in another country.

This costs £99.34​.

We need 5 working days to do the searches and produce your certificate.​​

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