​​This privacy notice covers public engagements and consultations carried out by Strategic Planning, Policy and Performance (SPPP), a division of the Cabinet Office.
SPPP is registered as a 'Controller' under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 (the “Data Protection Law”), as we determine the purpose and means of the processing of the personal information collected about you for this service.
Public engagement describes activities which involve the public in government decision-making and policy development by building relationships and dialogue between Government and the public. Consultations describe a formal period of engagement which seeks the public’s views on an issue or proposal.
SPPP undertakes a range of engagement and consultation activities to involve the public in its decision-making and policy development processes.
Data is collected to:
- ​capture demographic information about those completing surveys, where relevant to the topic. This deepens SPPP’s understanding of how proposals affect different areas of the community and creates a more informed policy development process.
- capture personal views on a particular topic or proposal. This assists the policy analysis and development process by ensuring policy solutions are more responsive to Islanders’ needs. This could include:
- experiences related to a topic or service
- ratings of a service
- views, concerns and ideas related to a topic
- ​register interest in participating in further engagement
As a division of a Government department, we generally process and hold your information in order to provide public services and meet our statutory obligations. This notice explains in more detail how we use and share your information to provide the service described above.
For more information you can find out how the Government uses your personal data for other services.
We will continually review and update this privacy notice to reflect changes in our services and feedback from service users, as well as to comply with changes in the law.
How we collect information about you
Information about you will, in most cases, be collected directly from you by collecting your responses to surveys either by:
- paper
- online
- person
- telephone
- observations
- interviews
- focus groups
- text, video, and audio
In some cases, we may collect information about you from another Government of Jersey department or a third party in order to deliver our duties.
SPPP has an approved list of third-party suppliers which can be used for outsourcing engagement activities. We may commission a third-party marketing or insight company to carry out focus groups, interviews or polls with the public on our behalf.
SPPP officers provide the brief, and the third party carries out the engagement, and then provides SPPP with a high-level statistical report based on their findings by email.
These reports do not contain personal data, this is held by the third parties on their internal systems. These reports are used by SPPP in the policy analysis process and may feature as part of a consultation report.
Types of information we collect
The types of personal data collected will vary depending on the information you volunteer and the subject of the public engagement. This includes:
- personal identifiers and contact details, including:
- name
- address
- email address
- unique identifier
- role or job title
- organisation details
- dietary requirements
- preferred language
- additional needs
- demographic data, including
- race
- ethnicity
- religious or other beliefs of a similar nature
- employment details
- household information
- income
- responses to surveys and consultations through:
- voice
- image
- opinion
- views and preferences
​How we will use the information about you
Our legal basis for processing personal and special category data in most cases is that it is necessary for the exercise of the policy development function of the States or any public authority (Data Protection (Jersey) Law Schedule 2 paragraph 4(c)) or you have consented to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, Schedule 2, paragraph 1).
On occasion there might be a different legal basis where the public engagement is carried out for a particular Minister, this will be noted in any data governance documents or consent forms for the public engagement.
We have set out in further detail below why we use your personal data in each instance.
Personal identifiers and contact details (such as name, address, email address, unique identifier, role or job title, organisation details, dietary requirements, preferred language, additional needs).
| To make arrangements for interviews and focus groups and to contribute to consultation on policy proposals. To tailor events to meet your dietary and other requirements.
| Consent: The data subject has consented to the processing of his or her data for one or more specific purposes. (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, Schedule 2, paragraph 1).
Demographic data (including race, ethnicity, religious or other beliefs of a similar nature, employment details, household information, income).
| For diversity monitoring and to enable planning for the provision of future services, to develop policy and legislation.
| Consent: The data subject has consented to the processing of his or her data for one or more specific purposes. (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, Schedule 2, paragraph 1).
Public functions: The processing is necessary for the exercise of any function of Crown, the States, or any public authority (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.
Responses to Surveys and Consultations (voice, image, opinion, views and preferences).
| To analyse quantitative and qualitative data so policies and procedures can be amended and adapted.
To develop policy and legislation for the provision of future services | Consent: The data subject has consented to the processing of his or her data for one or more specific purposes. (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, Schedule 2, paragraph 1). Public functions: The processing is necessary for the exercise of any function of Crown, the States, or any public authority (Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. |
Who we may share your Personal Information with?
Other Data Controllers
SPPP only shares personal identifiable data if it becomes necessary, and will only do so if:
- ​the individual consents
- there is a legal requirement to do so
- there is need to protect children and vulnerable adults
We may also disclose information to other public authorities where it is necessary, either to comply with a legal obligation, or where required under other legislation.
​In some instances, this data sharing may require us to transfer your personal data outside Jersey and the EEA, however, we shall only do this with the necessary safeguards in place and where it is lawful because it is necessary and proportionate for the proper discharge of our statutory functions.
Service Providers
Your personal data may be processed on our behalf by certain third parties who provide services to us, so that they can provide those services.
We have strict contracts in place with these service providers to ensure they process your data only on our instructions and with appropriate security in place. The categories of third parties who may receive your personal data in order to provide us with a service are:
- ​Microsoft, for provision of email and data storage
- Smart Survey, a digital survey solution that helps us create surveys, build questionnaires and analyse the results
- Citizen Space (Delib), an online engagement and consultation platform to design, publish, analyse and feed back to engagers
- research, analysis or insight providers to carry out focus groups, interviews or polls and to produce reports
- 4insight Ltd
- A Hughes Consultancy
- Aether
- Bronwen Whittaker
- Cambridge Econometrics
- Crest Advisory (UK) Ltd
- Doreen Walton / Saltwater Words
- EcoPragma Capital LLP
- Emelita Robbins
- Engage Wellbeing Ltd
- Ernst & Young LLP
- Financial Transparency Advisors GmbH
- Frontier Economics
- Galle
- Hartigan Associates Ltd
- HLG Associates
- Influence at Work UK Ltd
- Isos Partnership (UK) LLP
- London Economics LTD
- Marbral Advisory
- Mourant
- Oxera
- PA Consulting
- Picker Institute Europe
- PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP
- Question Factory
- Steer Davies Gleave
- Tautenay Ltd
- Terra Mare Ltd
- The Consultation Institute
- Waving Back​
At no time will your information be passed to organisations for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use without your prior express consent.
Publication of your information
SPPP will only publish information in a form that does not identify individuals or households.
We will only publish data which has been aggregated (grouped), routinely suppressing (hiding) numbers fewer than five and ensuring that such figures cannot be obtained by differencing (adding and subtracting other figures to work out the missing one).
SPPP may publish a summary of responses; this will not include any personal data.
Anonymised statistical information may be published on the Government of Jersey website and via other media, where relevant.
We may need to publish your information:
- ​where we are required by law to publicise certain information
- in the interests of demonstrating a fair and transparent decision-making process
- where we are required to provide statistical information about a group of people, although your data will be anonymised to protect your identity.
- where you have responded to a public consultation in a private capacity, your comments will be anonymised to protect your identity. However, if it is from a person on behalf of an organisation then the views and connection with the organisation may be attributed
- where you have contributed content to the website or Government of Jersey social media channels
​How long do we store the information about you?
Data is held and dispose of in compliance with SPPP’s records retention schedule or the specific requirements of the relevant data sharing agreement.
Where do we store the information about you?
Government of Jersey systems store data in Jersey, the UK and the European Economic Area. The UK has been granted adequacy status by the European Commission and personal data stored there will be protected to the same standards as personal data held in Jersey and the EU.
Cookies and the gov.je website
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.
You can find out more on the Cookies policy webpage.
​Statutory or contractual obligations to provide personal data
You are not obliged by any law or contract to provide us with your personal data. However, if you choose not to provide certain information when requested, we may not be able to perform the service you have requested, or we may be prevented from complying with our legal obligation.
Your rights
For details of your rights under the Data Protection Law and how to exercise them go to Your personal data rights.​
Withdrawal of Consent
Where we rely on you consent to process personal data (see section 3 above), you can withdraw your consent by contacting the Data Governance Officer for SPPP or the department email address at OneSPPP@gov.je.
If you have an enquiry or concern regarding processing your personal data you can contact the Central Data Protection Unit at DPU@gov.je.
If you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is processed, you can contact the Government’s Data Protection Officer at DPO@gov.je
If you believe SPPP has contravened the Data Protection Law and the contravention affects your data protection rights, you have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner (JOIC)​.
We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the JOIC, so please contact us in the first instance.
Changes to this Notice
We may, from time to time, revise this privacy to ensure it remains up to date. It is advisable to check it regularly to keep aware of any changes.
This version was last updated on 2 April 2024.​​