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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Employment, Social Security and Housing's retention schedules

​​Under the Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002 each department must produce a schedule for the records they hold. This schedule shows the retention period of each record (how long it is held for), if the record is archival (holds historic value), the disposal action for the record, and any further notes about the handling of the record.

​Retention schedules
​Acceptable Behaviour
​Acceptable Behaviour
​Business Hub
​Business Hub, Business Licensing
​Business Hub, Back to Work Recruitment
​Change and Projects
​Change and Projects
Change and Projects, Spend Local
​Chief Officer
​Chief Officer​
​Contributions Tier 1
​Customer Experience
​Customer Experience
​Housing Advice and Support Services
​Housing Advice and Support Services
Affordable Housing Gateway
​Jersey Crematorium
​Jersey Crematorium
​Operational Support
​Operational Support
​Pensions and Care Hub
​Pensions and Care Hub, Enforcement

Pensions and Care Hub, Long-term Care
Pensions and Care Hub, Pensions

​Learning and Development
​Learning and Development
​Service Hub
​Service Hub

Service Hub, Cashiers
Service Hub, Housing Control

​Work and Family Hub
Work and Family Hub, Back to Work
Work and Family Hub, Critical Support
Work and Family Hub, Health
Work and Family Hub, Income Support
Work and Family ​Hub, WorkWell​

Employment, Social Security and Housing's privacy policies and retention schedules

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