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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Infrastructure and Environment retention schedules

​​​​​​​​​​Under the Public Records (Jersey) Law 2002 each department must produce a schedule for the records they hold. This schedule shows the retention period of each record (how long it is held for), if the record is archival (holds historic value), the disposal action for the record, and any further notes about the handling of the record. 

Animal Health (including States Veterinary) rete​ntion schedule

Biosecurity retention schedule​

Building Control Administration retention schedule

Corporate Operations retention schedule

Corporate Services retention schedule

Driver and Vehicle Stand​ards retention schedule

Engineering and Development, Highways and Transport retention schedule

Environment​al an​d Consumer Protection retention schedule​

Environmental Policy retention schedule

Historic Environment retention schedule

Jersey Fleet Management retention schedule

Jersey Meteorological retention schedule

Jersey Property Ho​ldings Projects, Contractual and Building Records ​retention schedule

Land Controls retention schedule

Land Resources Management retention schedule​

Liquid Waste retention schedule​

Management Items retention schedule

Marine Resources retention schedule

Jersey Property Holdings Markets re​tention schedule

Ministerial Operations retention schedule

Operational Services retention schedule

Parks and Gardens retention schedule

Planning and Building Compliance Applications retention schedule

Planning and Building Compliance Admin retention schedule

Planning Policy retention schedule

Planning Services retention schedule

Solid Waste retention schedule

Sustainability and Climate Change Engagement retention schedule​

Sports Records retention schedule​

Technical and Support Services retention schedule

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