​​​Before making an information request under Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation, you should check what information is already available to you.
If the information you request under FOI is already published, your request may be refused.
We publish anonymised requests and responses on our website. Once information is issued to you in response to your FOI request, it is then considered to be publicly available.
Freedom of Information requests and responses
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Budget statements
Court lists
Government departments
Government planning and performance
Government reports and documents
Immigration legislation
Ministerial decisions
Planning register
Scrutiny website
States Assembly website
States of Jersey accounts
Statistic and data sets
Jersey Census data
Jersey facts and figures
Jersey Mapping Services
Statistics Jersey
States of Jersey policies and procedures
Public sector pay scales
Public service pensions
Departmental reports
Social security annual reports
States of Jersey Police
States of Jersey Police website
States of Jersey Police annual reports
List of primary schools
List of secondary schools