Grade 3 (NM03) positions within HCJ (FOI)Grade 3 (NM03) positions within HCJ (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
10 February 2025.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Request 677992235
Job descriptions for Grade 3 (NM03) positions within Health and Community Services.
The number of positions held at grade 3 (NM03) within Health and Community Services.
How long Grade 3 positions within Health and community services have been established.
From records held, there are currently 8 positions held at grade 3 (NM03) within Health & Care Jersey. We do not have a specific date of when these positions were established. The system shows a default date which is when data was migrated across to the current system. The earliest record of an NM03 position in the system is 2002 but that does not mean to say the position wasn’t in place prior.
The current job description for an NM03 is attached.
Job description.pdf