​About the forum
The Older Persons Living Forum will make sure that the older community are included in Government decision making, enabling them to have their say on matters that affect them and the Island as a whole. Members of the Forum will provide their views to ministers and policy makers directly, ensuring that their views are considered throughout the process of designing Government policy.
The Forum reviews Government performance and identifies common issues which will:
- improve independence, wellbeing and quality of life of older people
- support creating a society for all ages
- improve engagement of older people by the Government of Jersey
The Forum meets every quarter. The agenda is set in advance of the meeting, based on submissions from Forum members, who may submit any issue which they think is of sufficient interest and importance to older persons in Jersey.
Minutes of forum's meetings
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 15 Janu​ary 2025
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 13 Novem​ber 2024​
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 19 June 2024​
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 17 April 2024​​
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 21 February 2024​
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 13 December 2023​
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 18 October 2023
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 30 August 2023
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 28 June 2023
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 26 April 2023
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 1 March 2023
Minutes of Older Persons Living Forum 30 November 2022
Terms of reference
Document purpose
1. The purpose of these terms of reference is to outline:
- the purpose and scope of the Older Persons Living Forum (“the Forum”) as a vehicle for engagement with older people in Jersey
- the governance and structure of the Forum
- roles and responsibilities
2. The new Council of Ministers’ manifestos committed to an open, accountable and transparent Government. To support this, the Chief Minister’s 100 Day Action Plan includes the establishment of an Older Persons Living Forum (Action 4).
3. Similar fora can be found throughout the UK. For example, Age UK has contact with over 250 independent older people’s fora. These fora vary in size, but all exist to give older people the opportunity to make their voices heard on issues that matter to them. The fora are democratic, inclusive and are run independently by older people, for older people. They generally agree their own agenda, share information amongst their networks and may get involved in campaign work and social events. Other fora, such as the Leeds Older People’s Forum, comprise a network of third sector organisations working with and for older people to improve outcomes in their local area.
4. The Older Persons Living Forum is being developed from the Older Persons Cluster Group (“the Cluster”). This group has been established for around 3 years and is a collaboration between Government and representatives of local charities. The majority of these organisations work closely with the older community in Jersey. Over the last 3 years, the Cluster has acted as advocated for and raised issues that affect older people.
Purpose of the forum
5. The Forum will ensure that the older community are included in Government decision making, enabling them to have their say on matters that affect them and the Island as a whole. Members of the Forum provide their views to ministers and policy makers directly, ensuring that their views are considered throughout the process of designing Government policy.
6. The Forum will review Government performance and identify common issues that will:
- improve independence, wellbeing and quality of life of older people
- support creating a society for all ages
- improve engagement of older people by the Government of Jersey
Members of the forum
7. The Forum will be developed from the Older Persons Cluster Group which includes (but is not limited to):
- Age Concern
- Dementia Jersey
- Stroke Association
- Call and Check
- Parkinson’s
- British Red Cross
- Meals on Wheels
- Good Companions
- Jersey Sport
- Mind Jersey
8. The Chair of the Cluster will invite organisations which are included in the Cluster to nominate 2 individuals each to join the Forum (for example, Age Concern will select and nominate 2 individuals to join the forum). To be nominated to join the Forum by an organisation, the individual must:
- not be employed by the nominating organisation (but they may volunteer for the organisation)
- be over the age of 65
- agree to participate in the Forum and be able to meet the time commitment set out under these terms of reference
9. The Chair of the Cluster will co-chair the Forum. The Chair of the Cluster will continue to be selected by the Government of Jersey and does not have to be over the age of 65.
10. The other Co-Chair of the Forum will be selected and, if necessary, elected by a simple majority at the inaugural meeting of the Forum from amongst those individuals nominated under the process set out in paragraph 7, above. The Co-Chair of the Forum will serve in the role for a maximum of 2 years. Following the conclusion of their 2 year term or at any time when the position of Co-Chair is vacant, the Co-Chair shall be selected or, if necessary, elected by other members of the Forum at its next meeting.
11. Members of the Cluster may attend meetings of the Forum in an advisory capacity, only.
12. The Chair of the Cluster (acting as Co-Chair of the Forum) must ensure that the Chief Minister and the Minister for Social Security are invited to attend at least one meeting per year.
13. Meetings will be scheduled on a quarterly basis. The Co-Chairs must agree the dates for the meetings one year in advance.
14. The meetings will normally be a maximum of 3 hours duration and held in a central location in St Helier.
15. The agenda will be set in advance of the meeting, based on submissions from Forum members. Forum members may submit any issue which they think is of sufficient interest and importance to older persons in Jersey for discussion. Submissions should be provided to the Co-Chair no later than 3 weeks before the Forum’s next meeting.
16. The Government of Jersey may also submit issues for discussion by the Forum. For example, Government policy officers may submit policy proposals and materials as part of consultation exercises. These submissions should be provided to the Chair of the Cluster no later than 3 weeks before the Forum’s next meeting. In the case of urgent, sensitive or emerging issues, submissions may be provided within 10 days of the meeting.
17. No later than 2 weeks before the Forum’s meeting the Co-Chairs must meet to discuss and finalise the agenda for that meeting. Some agenda items may recur to allow for a deliberative, considered approach to a complex topic. The Co-Chairs must select for discussion at least one item for discussion which has been submitted by a member of the Forum and may select items which have been submitted by the Government.
18. The Chair of the Cluster (as Co-Chair of the Forum) will ensure that an official (“the Secretariat”) is employed to provide administrative support to the Forum. This includes collating agenda items and disseminating relevant information to attendees in advance of the meeting. This will also involve managing a mailbox (this will be set up to allow citizens and colleagues to contact the Forum and submit agenda items) and communications on behalf of the Forum and its chairs.
19. The Secretariat is responsible for ensuring that relevant Government officials are invited to provide papers in advance of and to attend the Forum’s meeting to facilitate discussion and to receive feedback on each issue. Papers must be provided to the Secretariat at least 5 working days prior to a meeting to allow distribution of papers to members one week ahead of the scheduled meeting date.
20. Meetings of the Forum will be minuted by the Secretariat. Notes of the meetings will be agreed with both Co-Chairs and will normally be issued to members of the Forum within 30 days of the Forum’s meeting.
21. The Secretariat must provide the minutes of the Forum’s meetings to the Chief Minister and the Minister for Social Security. The Secretariat must also ensure that other ministers receive minutes when relevant and that relevant Government officials are provided with the minutes from the Forum’s meetings. This will ensure that the outcomes of the Forum’s meetings are systematically considered as part of the development of all Government policy.
22. The Forum’s outcomes should include:
- agreed actions for members and any sub-groups on specific issues
- identification of actions to inform the development of Government policy for the attention of ministers and officials
- sharing and publication of the Forum’s views
23. The Secretariat will be provided by the Department for Customer and Local Services, who will also be responsible for any financial support arrangements and logistical arrangements concerning the Forum’s meetings. Customer and Local Services have set aside an initial £25,000 to cover administration and event costs. Funding requirements will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
24. Organisations within the Cluster should support individuals to attend the Forum. This will involve making the Secretariat aware of transport and support requirements in advance of the meeting (this may look like providing a taxi or minibus to the meeting; covering care costs; inviting support workers to attend as required; ensuring meeting premises are accessible and that refreshments are provided). The Secretariat will settle these arrangements in advance of the meeting.
25. The Forum will be fully accessible. The Secretariat will ensure that information is provided in an easy read format to support participation. Forum members will be supported to attend and may, for example, be accompanied to the Forum by carers and/or family members, who will be able to attend meetings to provide support, should this be required.
26. The Forum’s discussions will be minuted and will be posted on the Government of Jersey website. This includes outcomes and action points arising from the discussions.
27. These terms of reference will be reviewed in 2024.