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Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 - 2015 (as amended)

Produced by the Office of the Chief Executive
Authored by Chief Minister's and published on 15 Jan 2013
Prepared internally, no external cost


​​​The Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2013 - 2015 represents a milestone in the States financial planning and together with the approved Strategic Plan, provides the foundation to develop longer term planning horizons.

Following the States approval of the financial framework for the next three years during the debate in November 2012, the States agreed three amendments to the original proposals which have now been summarised in an Addendum and the relevant pages of the MTFP report have been updated. 

The draft MTFP Department Annex to the report has also been updated and now includes the final Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) proposals which were issued at the time of the MTFP debate.

The original MTFP and draft Department Annex are also available:

Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 to 2015 (as lodged)

The Treasury and Resources Minister published the following documents in advance of the States debate in November:

Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 - 2015: background papers

Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 - 2015 (as amended)

Annex to the Medium Term Financial Plan 2013 - 2015 (as amended)​

In January 2014 the Minister for Treasury and Resources published an annual update to the MTFP Department Annex for 2014.  This document provides a revised position for Departments and an updated point of reference for the 2014 Financial Report and Accounts.  Importantly, all of the changes in expenditure allcoations reported in the update remain within the total States expenditure limits agreed in the MTFP.

Annual Update to the MTFP Department Annex for 2014

The Annual Update to the MTFP Demartment Annex for 2015, published in November 2014, provides an essential update of the department revenue and capital allocations for 2015. It gives a revised position for departments and will provide an updated point of reference for the 2015 Report and Accounts. Once again, all of the changes described within the document remain with the total States expenditure limits agreed in the MTFP 2013 to 2015. This annual update will be the final document of the current MTFP. A full MTFP Department Annex will be produced to accompany the next Medium Term Financial Plan which will cover the period 2016 to 2019.

Annual Update to the MTFP Department Annex for 2015

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