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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Delivery Framework for Sustainable Economic Development 2023 to 2026

The Delivery Framework sets out the actions and economic priorities over this Government's term in office for achieving the vision of being a consistently high-performing, environmentally sustainable and technologically advanced small island economy by 2040.

Delivery Framework 2023 to 2026

This delivery framework has three initiatives:

Initiative 1: Develop growth enablers

We need growth enablers to help reignite Jerseyā€™s entrepreneurial spirit. 

Government needs to set out the framework for different growth enablers to be developed.

The following are at an early stage but will be developed further with public and expert input to achieve their potential.

  1. enable the entrepreneurial spirit
  2. renewable energy
  3. international connectivity
  4. research and development

Importantly, some of these ideas may not work, but we need to create the space for these ideas to be tested and learnt from.

Initiative 2: Increase existing sector productivity

The interlinkages between different sectors means a holistic approach needs to be considered and all sectors are encouraged to embrace innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Financial services, as our largest sector, must continue to lead by example and develop sustainable and technologically advanced opportunities. And the importance and significance of an accumulation of small and large gains across the economy cannot be understated; we need all sectors to pull together to help shift the dial on Jerseyā€™s productivity trend, by looking at global trends and our current strengths, to invest in the right opportunities.

Initiative 3: Support from an effective public sector

Government needs to do its part by fully leveraging our domestic autonomy to set the right conditions for growth and by spending our Ā£1bn budget a year as effectively as possible.

This means having a healthy and skilled population enhanced by a sustainable approach to inward migration. It means a long-term approach to housing and infrastructure. It means enabling businesses with a coordinated and agile regulatory system and armā€™s length organisations that offer seamless support.

The Delivery Framework for Sustainable Economic Development

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