​About the Oral Health Strategy
The Oral Health Strategy is a review into how dental services are provided in Jersey. All areas of oral care are being considered including:
- primary care dentistry (regular dental care)
- secondary care dentistry (dental care by referral, requiring the support of a specialist)
- orthodontics (braces)
- orthognathics (face and jaw surgery)
- oral cancers care (cancers of the mouth)
- maxillofacial surgery (for conditions affecting the mouth, jaw, face and neck)
- oral health education (adults and children)
This strategy will include recommendations on the approach to improving the Oral Health of Jersey. If the strategy is approved, work can then begin on the delivery of the recommendations.
Aims of the strategy
The strategy aims to:
- reduce the incidence of dental decay and oral cancer
- reduce any inequalities in accessing dental care
- ensure there are clear pathways between primary and secondary care, including commissioning arrangements where required
- improve the experience of children and adults accessing secondary care dental services (including reduction in waiting lists)
- provide supportive care for cancer patients and those requiring oral interventions or surgery
- ensure dental services are high quality and patient centred
Get involved and make a difference
If you have an interest in helping to shape the future of dental care in Jersey, we will value your feedback.
If you have ideas on how to help improve the oral health of the island, please contact us through our Patient Advice and Liaison (PALS) manager.
Email PALS@health.gov.je or call +44 (0) 1534 443515.
This is not a forum to resolve current issues. If you have a complaint, you will need to follow the
complaints procedure.
Events and activities
Parent and child survey
We are holding an online survey for children and their parents about the health of their teeth and what they know about oral healthcare. The children's questions are age appropriate and split into primary (age 8 to 11) and secondary (12 to 18) school age.
For parents the survey is available in English, Portuguese and Polish. The survey should not take more than 10 minutes to complete.
Take part in the school dental survey
You can also use gov.je/SchoolsDentalSurvey to take part.
Children's Oral Health Focus Group
We would like to hear from the children and teenagers in Jersey about their oral health.
Focus groups will be held after school for children between the age of 8 and 18. To talk about looking after your teeth and visiting the dentist. They will last around an hour and will be grouped by age.
Please ask a parent to contact us if you'd like to be part of a group. As a parent, please ask your children if they'd like to take part.
Contact us
If you wish to volunteer or find out more about the children’s focus group, contact the Patient Advice and Liaison service (PALS):