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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

​​​Arrange an appointment or assessment

You need to be referred to us by a professional for an appointment or assessment. Talk to one of the following professionals to arrange a referral:

  • your doctor (GP)​
  • school teacher, counsellor, or nurse
  • social worker
  • any other relevant professional â€‹

Next steps after a referral

Once we have received your referral we will either: â€‹â€‹

  • contact you and signpost you to the support and services we think are suitable for your needs
  • invite you into CAMHS for an initial assessment. This will be within a maximum of 36 days​, sooner if there is risk or a crisis
  • allocate you to the neurodevelopmental waiting list for an assessment

We'll do our best to make sure you have all the information about the support available to you whilst you wait for your assessment.

Initial assessments

An initial assessment is a meeting with CAMHS staff members, for example, a mental health nurse, practitioner, psychologist or psychiatrist.

The aim of this session is to find out more about what’s been going and gather as much information as possible. This helps us to identify your key difficulties, manage any risk, and agree on what support may be best for you.

If we think that therapy may be useful, you'll be placed on our waiting list. Whilst you're waiting for therapy, there are other support and resources available. We'll let you know how to access them. You can also visit our support and resources page for more information.

Neurodevelopmental assessments​

If you're allocated to the neurodevelopmental pathway, you will likely be waiting for an assessment, for autism or ADHD, for example.

You'll receive an update after referral on the next steps and the support available to you whilst you wait to be seen for your therapy or your assessment. 

We may also contact you to complete a questionnaire to help us gather information to support the assessment process.

Where to go for your appointment

Appointments are generally at LibertĂ© House, La Motte Street, St Helier. See our Google map location​ for directions.

However, we also offer appointments at other locations, such at The Bridge, schools and homes. 

We'll let you know where your appointment will take place.

Appointment times

We're open between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. We'll do our best to find a time that suits you.​

If you have any questions about your appointments or assessments, contact us:

About CAMHS and how to get support

You can find out more about the support we offer on our About CAMHS​ page, or you can learn more about our services or how to get help or support.

Read our young people's guide to CAMHS.​

​​Need urgent help?

In an emergency call 999 or visit the Emergency Department.

For other safeguarding concerns contact the Children and Families Hub.​

​Contact us​

If you have any questions or want to speak to someone, you can:​

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