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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Clearing ice and snow yourself

ā€‹Make sure the area is safe

The most important thing you can do when clearing ice and snow from around your property is to make sure you make it safer ā€‹for people using these areas. 

If it's going to be more dangerous, don't clear it in the first place. 

People using the area have a responsibility to be careful themselves, but you should still take great care.

Clearing ice or snow checklist

Follow the advice below to make sure you clear the area in the safest way possible:

  • start early. Fresh snow is easier to shovel and move than snow that's been walked over by lots of people 
  • make use of the sun to help your work. Shovel off the top layer of snow so that the sun can melt what's below, but make sure you cover any ice with salt to stop it refreezing
  • after clearing snow from an area, spread some table or dishwasher salt on it. Avoid getting it on grass and plants as it can cause damage
  • if you can't get salt, use sand or ash instead
  • be especially careful when clearing steps and slopes
  • never use hot water. Although it will melt the snow, it may refreeze later and create black ice, which is even more dangerous
  • consider your neighbours and clear areas around their property if they can't do it themselves
  • if you need to shovel snow, don't pile it where it might block access to other places

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