​​​What to consider before buying
There's a lot to consider when buying pets online. Before you make any commitments or hand over money try to:
- meet the animal and its parents
- visit the seller
- make sure the animal is well cared for and in good health
Some internet adverts may give you the impression that animals are in Jersey when they may be very far away.
Beware of false descriptions
False descriptions could lead you to believe that you're giving a home to a rescue animal. You may in fact be purchasing an animal that has been bred for a quick sale, large profit and transported hundreds of miles without proper care.
Before making any commitments make sure you:
- check what sellers are telling you
- do your research on the animal and the seller
- find evidence about the animal's pedigree and circumstances
Remember that if you buy from untrustworthy and uncaring sellers, you're encouraging their trade.
Get an animal suitable to you and your lifestyle
Choose a pet that is best suited to you, your home and your lifestyle. Think about:
- how much space you have
- how much time you can give to grooming, cleaning, exercising and training
- cost of food, shelter and veterinary care
- boarding or other reliable arrangements when you are away from home
- hereditary health conditions which could result in large vet fees
- whether or not you need a permit to import the animal
Looking for a puppy leaflet
Talk to the experts
Many organisations can help you and offer advice, including these websites:
Allan and Rushton-Taylor Vets
All Pets Veterinary Centre
New Era Veterinary Hospital
Puppy Contract
The British Horse Society
The Kennel Club of Jersey
The Jersey Cat Club