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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Importing plants and plant products

If you are importing via the UK, your plants must be cleared by the UK Plant Health Inspectors before they can travel onward to Jersey.

You will need a UK based agent who can liaise with the relevant authority on your behalf.

Commercial imports from the EU

You must be registered with the Jersey Plant Health Inspectorate (JPHI) as a professional operator to commercially import plants, plant products (horticulture or agriculture) or other objects. Other goods include:

  • pallet boards
  • used agricultural or forestery machinery
  • Plus some types of :
    • seeds
    • firewood
    • bark
    • timber

To register as a professional operator you should complete and return the registration form to the JPHI. For advice email the plant health team.

High risk plants

High risk plants from the EU must be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate which is issued by the originating country.

You must pre-notify the plant health team prior to importing. These plants will be subject to documentary, identity and physical checks on arrival in Jersey.  A list of high risk plants and plant products can be found here.

Staggered changes for 2022 - "Regulated & Notifiable" & "Regulated" goods

From 1 January 2022 more commodities will fall under ā€œregulated and notifiableā€, these require pre-notification only from this date.

Firstly, we are asking that you complete a CAESAR declaration on to pay for your Goods and Services Tax (GST) and customs duties, as you will need your CAESAR declaration number to complete the online pre-notification form.

Ensure you have all the relevant consignment details available. This includes the name and address of the consignor, the logistics details (such as time of arrival and freight operator), the full importing party details and copies of all relevant certificates and accompanying paperwork.

A pre-notification of your import must be completed via our online pre-notification form, at least 4 hours ahead of your import's arrival time. 

From 1 July 2022 these commodities will still require the pre-notification but a Phytosanitary Certificate also.

Categories for these are;

  • General
  • Parts of plants, other than fruits and seed
  • Fruits
  • Seeds for planting
  • Isolated bark
  • Wood

Further advice is available on the website.

Commercial imports from the UK

A plant passport is required to import plants and plant products for biosecurity reasons.

The passport is an official label that many plants, plant products and other objects must have. They are attached to the plants by the grower or seller to establish the plant health status and ensure the supply chain is traceable.

You may need to be registered as a professional operator if you import from the UK, contact the plant health team for advice.

Private imports

Private imports are discouraged as pests and diseases can be easily spread. 

More information about private imports can be found in the Don't Risk It leaflet.

Private imports from the UK

Different rules apply to mail order goods and passenger baggage. Mail order goods require UK plant passports. 

Private imports from the EU

These are subject to greater restrictions than the UK, including the need for phytosanitary certificates in most instances. 

Plant Health Pest Free Areas (PFAs)

Jersey is fortunate enough to be free of a number of pests and diseases that may be present in parts of Great Britain or the European Union. In these cases, Jersey is a Pest Free Area for those specific pests. 

Pests that are not present across the whole of Great Britain and the Crown Dependencies are classified differently and affect all imports to Great Britain. 

Our Plant Health team conducts annual surveys to ensure we remain free of many pests and diseases, including these. 

In order to maintain these pest freedoms, some imported plants and plant products must meet special requirements to ensure they do not invertedly introduce these pests. The species and commodities that are affected, and the additional measures you must take to import these types of plants or plant product are shown in the table below: 

PFA Guidance

Full details of the Pest Free Areas are available in the Schedule to the Plant Health (Phytosanitary Certificates and UK Plant Passports) (Jersey) Order 2020. 

Plant Health requirements can change quickly, and while we do our best to keep all information up to date, issues such as the requirements for Pest Free Areas can change without notice. 

For further information and advice on private imports, contact the plant health team.

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