​​​​Farm manure waste management and borehole maps
This map has been produced to assist farmers and other land managers to produce a farm manure and waste management plan and to spread manure, slurry and other organic wastes on land with the minimum risk of causing water pollution. It also shows the location of all registered and licensed boreholes, wells and springs.​
Farm ris​​k map
The map shows the inherent risk of causing water pollution in relation to spreading slurry and other organic manures and green waste to land. It has been assessed in relation to slope, proximity to streams, boreholes and wells.
The map does not reflect the managed risk, as this is subject to frequent change. For example, a field may be at high risk if compacted and left bare after maize, but the same field may constitute a low risk when in permanent grassland.
Water pollution risk map
This water pollution risk map is designed to show the locations of registered and licenced boreholes, wells and springs, surface water features, SSI's and ponds of ecological interest. There are also two specific farming layers that relate to the spreading of organic manure and the application of pesticides. The information is designed to help land managers minimise the risk of causing water pollution from these activities.
Manure risk map
The traffic light system is as follows:
Green: Low risk areas that can be used for spreading at most times of the year (excluding the closed period)
Amber: Medium risk areas that can be used with caution or special care or that may have conditions of use attached
Red: High risk areas that must never be used for spreading
Anyone spreading organic waste should also carry out a risk assessment prior to spreading to take into account current and predicted field and weather conditions. Livestock manures and other organic wastes should not be applied at any time within 50 metres of a spring, well or borehole, or within 10 metres of a ditch or a watercourse. The red circles on the map show a 50 metre 'no spreading' zone around any registered or licenced spring, well or borehole.
Pesticide risk map
This map is to be used with the guidance notes issued by the Jersey Farmers Union for the agreed products to be used in the Red, Amber and Green areas each year by relevant crop type.
- Green: Areas outside of those used or Jersey Water to abstract from the public supply
- Amber: Other catchments used by Jersey Water to abstract for the public supply
- Red: Val de la Mare West, Val de la Mare East, Queens Valley, Queens Valley side-stream
Even in 'Green' areas there are households on private water supplies (wells and boreholes) and wildlife that depend on good water quality free from contaminants such as pesticides and excess nutrients. Therefore good practice should be followed at all times in all catchment areas.
The water code
The quality of Jersey’s streams has improved in recent years. 47% of the Island’s streams now have good or excellent biological water quality. These improvements have been incremental since the introduction of the Water Pollution (Jersey) Law 2000 and an approved code of good agricultural practice for the protection of water (the water code). The code deals with agricultural activity and sets out measures that farmers can take to prevent water pollution.
While​ it is not a requirement under the water pollution law to follow the water code, receipt of the single area payment is conditional on farmers meeting certain standards and levels of environmental performance (known as cross compliance) which includes compliance with the water code.
Water Pollution (Approval of Code of Practice) (Jersey) Order 2020
Nitrate map
The map below show the current levels of nitrates in the water of the streams used by Jersey Water to fill the reservoirs and supply to the public after treatment. This map has been produced to assist farmers and other land managers to minimise risk of causing water pollution and to make everyone aware of the impact fertilisers have on the public water supply resources. The data is updated weekly when test results are received.
Colour coding of pollution risk areas:
- red shows the catchments where nitrate levels are above 50mg NO3/l, the maximum value allowed by the Water (Jersey) Law 1972 as amended
- orange shows the catchments where nitrate levels are between 40mg and 50mg NO3/l
- g​reen shows the catchments where the nitrate levels are below 40mg NO3/l
Nitrate Map on Jersey Water
Applying slurry, farmyard manure and other organic manures to land
The current water code provides advice on the handling and storage of manures and slurries, and also on nutrient management. Nutrient contents of any organic manures should be taken into account and balanced in relation to the needs of the growing crop and any inorganic nutrient inputs.
The closed period for slurry during autumn and winter is from 1 November to 15 January each year. The closed period does not currently apply to other organic manures being spread.
The closed period for the application of inorganic fertilisers to agricultural land is from 1 October to 31 December each year.