Anyone can report a workplace incident or accident to the Health and Safety Inspectorate (RIDDOR), including:
- employers
- employees
- members of the public
Employers are not required by law to inform us but some organisations choose to.
Reporting work-related accidents and incidents
You may also want to keep accident and dangerous occurrence records.
The Health and Safety Inspectorate is unable to investigate all reported accidents.
When deciding what to investigate we take into consideration a number of factors.
These include:
- severity of injury or potential for severe injury
- likelihood of repeat incident
- safety record of employer
Health and safety inspections and what to expect
Find more information in our enforcement policy statement.
If you wish to make a complaint related to a working activity, email
If you wish to make a formal complaint we will:
- consider it in accordance with our complaints procedure
advise the employer that a complaint has been received
The Health and Safety Inspectorate do not accept anonymous complaints, but won't disclose your identity.
We can discuss your concerns but, unless you wish an inspector to enter your workplace, you should not disclose the name of your employer.
The Health and Safety Inspectorate is unable to deal with issues which are not related to a working activity.
Industry related complaints: our approach
The payment of wages by your employer after an accident is not a health and safety issue.
Your employer should have provided you with a contract containing your terms of employment.
For more information or advice contact Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service (JACS).
Disclosure of information, obtained as a result of an investigation by the Health and Safety Inspectorate into an incident, is tightly restricted by Law.
The majority of information gathered cannot be released.
Factual information can be disclosed to legal parties in limited circumstances.