​Chronic wasting disease outside the UK and Crown Dependencies
From 12 July 2023 Jersey has suspended the import of live cervids and high risk cervid products, including urine hunting lures, from countries where CWD has been reported.
In addition, fresh cervid meat cannot be imported into Jersey from countries affected with CWD unless it complies with the supplementary guarantee in the relevant health certificate.
CWD has been reported in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Canada, USA and the Republic of Korea.
The following safeguard measures give effect to these decisions. They are published on behalf of the Minister for the Environment by the States Veterinary Officer.
Chronic wasting disease: declaration of special measures
These special measures apply from 12 July 2023 until they are revoked or amended.
For more information about the risk of CWD being introduced into Great Britain and Jersey, read the
Chronic wasting disease qualitative risk assessments on the GOV.UK website.