Notify us immediately
If you suspect disease call +44 (0) 1534 441600.
About the disease
Foot and mouth (FMD) is a notifiable disease. It's very infectious and will spread quickly if not controlled. It's one of the most significant infectious animal diseases.
FMD does not affect humans.
The clinical signs of foot and mouth disease are:
- a fever
- development of blisters, mainly in the mouth and on the feet
Other signs vary between types of animals.
Signs for cattle include:
reduced milk yield
raised temperature
slobbering and smacking lips
sores and blisters on:
Signs for sheep include:
- sudden and severe lameness
- tendency to lie down more than usual
- reluctance to move when made to stand
- blisters on the hoof and mouth. The blisters can be very small, and hard to spot
- a higher rate of lamb mortality or abortions
- fatigue in young lambs
- ewes unwilling to allow lambs to suckle
Signs for pigs include:
sudden lameness and may squeal loudly as it may be painful
tendency to lie down and be unwilling to move
blisters on the:
upper edge of the hoof where the skin and horn meet
reluctance to feed
Protect livestock
Good biosecurity can help reduce the risk of disease spreading.
Regularly check your animals for FMD.
You should inspect all stock for signs of the disease on a daily basis (where possible). Look particularly for blisters or sores on the mouth and feet.
Do not hurry your inspection. Make sure animals are properly restrained and there's plenty of light.
Protect our livestock from foot and mouth disease
Find out the latest controls Jersey has after the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Germany on the bringing food or animal products into Jersey and the keeping and moving livestock pages.
How the disease spreads
Animals may catch the disease through direct or indirect contact with an infected animal.
The disease is present in the fluid inside the blisters but can also be found in the animal's:
- saliva
- urine
- dung
- milk
- exhaled air
The disease can spread through any of the above before any clinical signs can be seen.
At the height of the disease, the virus is present in the blood and all parts of the animal's body.